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 Quetes Level 61-70

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Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 61-70 Empty
MessageSujet: Quetes Level 61-70   Quetes Level 61-70 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:38

Level 61 QuestsFlower Arana in Dream
Start NPC: Pallas (549 374) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Mission #1: Kill 50 OrchisSclew Hexeido(508 319)
Mission #2: Visit Pallas (549,374)
Reward: Gold(17000) Exp(28500) Skill(6500)

Calamity in Death
Start NPC: Pallas (549 374) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Mission #1: Visit Tenauri(547 372)
Mission #2: Kill 60 Turbid StyxTauren (Ridge of Dreaming Cloud 503 333 )
Mission #3: Visit Tenauri(547 372)
Reward: Gold(18500) Exp(27000) Skill(6000)

A Lonely Guardian
Start NPC: Indigene Men (471 331) - Fangs Town
Mission #1: Visit Tomb Watcher (481,387)
Mission #2: Kill Enma - Gibbon Sovran
Monster Locale: Around (481 380)
Completed Mission NPC: Indigene Men (471 331)
Reward: Gold(11700),Exp(19500),SP(4500)

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 62 QuestsTenauri's Nightmare
Start NPC: Tenauri (547 374) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Mission #1: Visit Hell Emissary (549 376)
Gives you:Ghost Healing Spell Quest
Reward: Exp(3700) Skill(850)

Ghost Healing Spell
Start NPC: Hell Emissary(549 376) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Mission #1: Need 20 Bandages from Earthyard Rancoreido (571 387) AND
Mission #1b: 20 Stgyptic grass from Vampiric Chiropters (567 375)
Reward: Gold (19500) Exp(28500) Skill(6500)

Hell Emissary Sympathy
Start NPC: Hell Emissary(549 376) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Mission #1: Kill BaneXylary SentryTower for 1 Lucky Lock
Monster Locale: (558 304)
Mission #2: Report to Pallas (549 373)
Reward: Rep (7) Exp(18600) Skill(4100) Celestial(1)

The Mistake For Life
Start NPC: Tristam(581,681) Ancient Dragon City
Mission #1: Talk to Pharamacist Martin (432 462)
Mission #2: Kill Pawnyard Rancoreido for 1 Purple Elixir
Monster Locale: (567,395) Swamp of Wraith
Mission #3: Report to Winifred (369,349)
Mission #4: Report to Tristam (581,681)
Reward: Gold(6800),Exp(27900),SP(2600)

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Level 63 QuestsPoet's Inspiration
Start NPC: Misfortunate Poet (555,375) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Mission #1: Collect 50 leather from Adalwolf Geomancers (600 362)
Mission #2: Return to Misfortunate Poet
Reward: Gold (17500) Exp (29500) Skill (6500)

Accident Herb
Start NPC: Apothecary Wang(547,373) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Mission #1: Collect 10 Accident Herb from edge of Swamp of Wraith (573,398)
Mission #2: Return to Apothecary Wang
Reward: Exp(7500) Skill (1900)

Foul Grass
Start NPC: Apothecary Wang(547,373) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Prerequisite: Accident Herb
Mission #1: Kill 60 Soulchasing Vipent Abomination (561 319)
Mission #2: Return to Apothecary Wang
Reward: Gold (19500) Exp (29500) Skill (6500)

War for Recources
Start NPC: Tough Man Tiehi (547,373) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Mission #1: Kill 65 Tigaero Hexeyes
Monster Location: (580 304)
Mission #2: Return to Tough Man Tiehi
Reward: Gold (18500) Exp (31000) Skill (7000)
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Level 64 QuestsInsomnia
Start NPC: Tenauri (547,372) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Mission #1: Visit South Stalking Stronghold Alcalde(209, 308)
Mission #2: Return to Tenauri
Reward: Rep (7) Gold (4600) Exp (7500) Skill (1750) Celestial(1)

Cadaver Evict Papalist
Start NPC: Hell Emissary (549,376) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Mission #1: Collect 60 Shade Gong from Cadaver Evict Papalist(528,384)
Mission #2: Return to Hell Emissary(549, 376)
Reward: Exp (28500) Skill (6500)

Crossing Over Zombies
Start NPC: Hell Emissary (549,376) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Prerequisite: Cadaver Evict Papalist
Mission #1: Kill 65 Pyroyard Rancoreido(553,402)
Mission #2: Return to Hell Emissary(549, 376)
Reward: Rep (7) Gold (36000) Exp (31000) Skill (7000) Celestial(1)

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 65 QuestsApostatize
Start NPC: Potter (538,416) - Whetstone Stronghold
Mission: Collect 40 Leader Head from Pawnyard Rancoreido Leader
Monster Locale: (558,425)
Reward: Exp (30000) Skill (7000) Celestial (1), Swampy Cloak

Conquer Fear
Start NPC: Rancor Force Hunter (536,415) - Whetstone Stronghold
Mission #1: Collect 65 Acephalous Cavalry Heart from Acephalous Cavalry
Monster Locale: (568,429)
Mission #2: Return to Rancor Force Hunter (536,415)
Reward: Exp (33000) Skill (7500)

Sacrificial Altar Key
Start NPC: Rancor Force Hunter (536,415) - Whetstone Stronghold
Required Mission: Conquer Fear
Mission #1: Get the Key Of Altar by killing Bomak Necrolyte
Monster Locale: Inside the Gate of Wraith
Mission #2: Return to Rancor Force Hunter (536,415)
Reward: Exp (20000) Skill (4700)

Seeing The Day Light
Start NPC: Rancor Force Hunter (536,415)
Required Mission: Sacrificial Altar Key
Mission #1: Dig at (408,562) inside Gate Of Wraith
Mission #2: Return to Rancor Force Hunter (536,415)
Reward: Exp(4100),Gold(30000),SP(950)
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Level 66 QuestsSilent Enemy
Start NPC: Chauncey (538,416) - Whetstone Stronghold
Mission: Collect 55 Leader Corpse from Baneyard Rancoreido Leader
Monster Locale: East of Whetstone Stronghold (555,413)
Mission #2: Return to Chauncey (549, 376)
Reward: Exp (34000) Skill (7500)

The Night Plot
Start NPC: Potter(539,415) - Whetstone Stronghold
Mission #1: Visit Hell Emissary of Dreaming Cloud (549, 376)
Mission #2: Visit the house Northwest of Lake of Weeping to find Eladio (610, 393)
Mission #3: Dig Eladio's corpse for the will near the house (609, 396)
Mission #4: Return to Hell Emissary (549, 376)
Mission #5: Go to the Swamp of Wraith and locate the 7 Spells to mark them down

1st Spell (565,435) 2nd Spell (575,443) 3rd Spell (578,450) 4th Spell (587,453) 5th Spell (591,444) 6th Spell (582,431) 7th Spell (585,433)

Mission #6: Return to Hell Emissary (549, 376)
Reward: Rep (7) Gold (19300) Exp (32150) Skill (7400) Heaven (1)

Make the First Move
Start NPC: Chauncey (538,416) - Whetstone Stronghold
Mission #1: Kill 65 Earthyard Rancoreido Leader
Monster Locale: West of Whetstone Stronghold (529, 403)
Mission #2: Return to Chauncey (538,416)
Reward: Rep (7) Gold (38000) Exp (33000) Skill (7500) Celestial (1)
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Membre de la guild
Membre de la guild

Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 61-70 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quetes Level 61-70   Quetes Level 61-70 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:39

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 67 QuestsThe Secret Plan
Start NPC: Potter (538, 416) - Whetstone Stronghold
Mission: Visit Shuota (565, 433) -Swamp of wraith
Reward: Exp (4000) Skill (950)

Chico's Encounter
Start NPC: Shuota (565, 433) - Swamp of wraith
Required Mission: The Secret Plan
Mission: Enter the Gate of Wriath to find Chico
Reward: Exp (4000) Skill (950)

The Duel In The Air
Start NPC: Potter (538, 416) - Whetstone Stronghold
Mission: Kill 70 Rancoreido Warrior (flying)
Monster Locale: Swamp of Wraith (557,457)
Mission #2: Return to Potter(538, 416)
Reward: Rep(7) Gold(21500) Exp (36000) Skill (8000) Celestial(1)

Door of Rancor Force (often called 202020)
Start NPC: Rancor Force Hunter (536, 415) - Whetstone Stronghold
Mission: Enter the Gate of Wraith to kill 20 DeadMarsh StyxTauren, 20 DeadMarsh StyxShrew, & 20 DeadMarshWolven
Monster Locale: Gate of Wraith (590,448)
Mission #2: Return to Rancor Force Hunter (536, 415)
Reward: Gold(9150) Exp (15250) Skill (3500) Item(?)

Discovered Of Chauncey
Start NPC: Chauncey (539, 416) - Whetstone Stronghold
Required Mission: Silent Enemy
Mission: Give the Secret Letter to Potter (538, 416)
Reward: Exp (4000) Skill (900) Human(1)

The Secret Letter
Start NPC: Chico Monk (Inside Gate of Wraith)
Required Mission: Chico's Encounter
Mission #1: Kill Lord of Depth StyxSerpent (inside gate of wraith)
Mission #2: Return to Chico Monk

Deliver Secret Letter
Start NPC: Chico Monk (Inside Gate of Wraith)
Required Mission: The Secret Letter
Completed Mission NPC: Village of The Lost Chief (638,475)
Reward: Exp(4000),Gold(10400),SP(950)

Hydroyard Rancoreido
Start NPC: Potter (538, 416) - Whetstone Stronghold
Required Mission: Discovered of Chauncey
Mission: Kill 65 Hydroyard Rancoreido Leader
Monster Locale: Swamp of Wraith (546,457)
Mission #2: Return to Potter(538, 416)
Reward: Rep(7) Gold (43000) Exp (33500) Skill (7500) Celestial(1)

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 68 QuestsServant of Demon God
Start NPC: Potter (538, 416) - Whetstone Stronghold
Mission: Kill 65 Pyroyard Rancoreido Leader
Monster Locale: Swamp of Wraith (563,479)
Mission #2: Return to Potter(538, 416)
Reward: Rep(7) Gold(20000) Exp(33500) Skill(7500) Celestial(1)

Strange Root
Start NPC: Rancor Force Hunter (536, 415) - Whetstone Stronghold
Mission: Visit Hatcher Hoai (547, 375) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Reward: Exp(4050) Skill(900) Celestial(1)

Return the Root
Start NPC: Hatcher Hoai (547, 375) - Village of Dreaming Cloud
Required Mission: Strange Root
Mission: Return to Rancor Force Hunter (536, 415)
Reward: Exp(4050) Skill(900) Fine Timber(15)

Votile SyxChiropter
Start NPC: Rancor Force Hunter (536, 415) - Whetstone Stronghold
Required Mission: Return the Root
Mission: Collect 60 Blood of Votile StyxChiropter
Monster Locale: Swamp of Wraith (546,465)
Mission #2: Return to Rancor Force Hunter (536, 415)
Reward: Exp(34000) Skill(7500) Celestial(1)

The Headless Sonny
Start NPC: Rancor Force Hunter (536,415)
Required Mission: Votile StyxChiropter
Mission #1: Dig summon stone (586,435) (if it isn't there wait for it to respawn)
Mission #2: Kill ThunderBinder (It will appear after digging the stone)
Mission #3: Return to Rancor Force Hunter (536,415)
Reward: Rep(7) ,Cinnabar fruit(1) Choice of Grade 5 Soulstone(1)

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 69 QuestsTraitor, Pay the Price
Start NPC: Rancor Force Hunter (536 415)
Mission #1: Kill 70 Acephalous Cavalry Leader
Monster Locale: (567 431)
Mission #2: Return to Rancor Force Hunter (536 415)
Reward: Rep(7) Gold(22000) Exp(36500) Skill(8000) Hell Stone(1)

Strange Weapon
Start NPC: Rancor Force Hunter (536 415)
Mission #1: Collect 50 Rancoreido Tower Fragment (583 446)
Mission #2: Return to Rancor Force Hunter (536 415)
Reward: Exp(55000) Skill(22500)

Tower Block Way
Start NPC: Rancor Force Hunter (536 415)
Required Mission: Strange Weapon
Mission #1: Kill 35 Rancoreido Tower & 35 Soulingest Tower
Monster Locale: (583 446) & (592 454)
Mission #2: Return to Rancor Force Hunter (536 415)
Reward: Exp(36500) Skill(8000)

Dream Search's Elder
Start NPC: Rancor Force Hunter (536 415)
Required Mission: Tower Block Way
Mission: Bring the Rancoreido Tower Fragment to Dream Searching Port Elder (662 375)
Reward: Rep(7) Gold(24500) Exp(4100) Skill(950) Heaven Stone(1)
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Level 70 QuestsKind Heart
Start NPC: Merchandizer Wade (637 475)
Mission #1: Talk to Merchandizer Ken (649 564)
Mission #2: Kill SteelFang Lynx to get Cargo that being Rob
Monster Locale: (626 538)
Mission #3: Return to Merchandizer Ken (649 564)
Reward: Exp(14800),Gold(8800),Skill(3300),Rep(Cool

Continue Relationship
Start NPC: Tristam (581 685)
Mission #1: Visit Lady of Sew Olencia (524 646)
Mission #2: Kill OrchisSclew Eidolon for 35 Colorized Powder & IridescencePinna FalconDrake for 35 ShadowEvade Pinna
Monster Locale: Around Village Of The Lost & Hill Of Scented.. IridescencePinna FalconDrake (656,587)..OrchisSclew Eidolon (624 570)
Mission #3: Return to Lady of Sew Olencia (524 646)
Mission #4: Visit General Sorely (521 629)
Mission #5: Return to Lady of Sew Olencia (524 646)
Mission #6: Return to Tristam (581 685)

The Feelings of In-Laws
Start NPC: Pharmacist Luke (667 375)
Mission #1: Deliver medicine to Sheadon (621 363)
Mission #2: Return to Pharmacist Luke (667 375)
Mission #3: Visit Murgatroyd (546 373)
Mission #4: Visit Down-hearted Poet (555 377)
Mission #5: Deliver Faked Letter to Zaan (545 373)
Mission #6: Pass Faked Letter to Murgatroyd (546 373)
Mission #7: Return to Pharmacist Luke (667 375)
Reward: Exp(21000),Gold(12600),Skill(4800),Rep(7)

Marsh Demon Array
Start NPC: Tenauri (547 372) Note* This quest is timed 40 minutes
Mission #1: Find DualDevil Pearl (539 477)
Mission #2: Return to Tenauri (547 372)
Reward: Exp(17000),Gold(10200),Skill(2000),Rep(7)

Gaurnob and SteelPhiz
Start NPC: Rancor Force Hunter (536 415)
Required Mission: Door of Rancor Force
Mission #1: Kill Gaurnob SheolGuard & SteelPhiz SheolGuard
Monster Locale: Inside Gate Of Wraith(Iron blood tablet quest)
Mission #2: Return to Rancor Force Hunter (536 415)
Reward: Exp(29000),Gold(22500),Skill(6400)

God's Tears
Start NPC: Immortal Enrico (449 451)
Mission #1: Visit Chess Old Man (667 615)
Mission #2: Visit Mutia (647 560)
Mission #3: Kill Huggy Bunny for 1 Peach Dew & Return to Chess Old Man
Monster Locale: Around Peach Dock
Mission #4: Visit Chess Old Man (667 615)
Mission #5: Visit Counterjumper (640 565)
Mission #6: Visit Elder Palti (648 559)
Mission #7: Buy Millions Vintage & Return to Counterjumper *Buy from Dobry Cenobite (639 831) at Fishing Village
""Return to Counterjumper to turn in quest (640 565)
Mission #8: Kill Celestial Ichthyoid for 1 Noal Dew & Return to Chess Old Man
Monster Locale: (630 586) Inside the water
Mission #9: Kill WhiteRise Pheasant for 1 Magnificent Dew & Return to Chess Old Man
Monster Locale: (676 550)
Reward: Exp(25750),Gold(15450),Skill(5900)
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Quetes Level 61-70
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