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 Quetes Level 20-30

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Membre de la guild
Membre de la guild

Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 20-30 Empty
MessageSujet: Quetes Level 20-30   Quetes Level 20-30 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:30

Level 20
1)Trumble's Story
Start NPC: Mission Provider
Location: Dragon City West (533,644)
Mission: Visit Trumble Of West Dragon City (525,661)

2)No Gold Here
Start NPC: Trumble
Required Quest: Trumble's Story
Location: Dragon City West (525,661)
Mission #1: Find Buried Treasure (518, 663)
Mission #2: Visit Junior (520, 664)

3)Return In Good State
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: No Gold Here
Mission: Visit Trumble Of West Dragon City (525,661)
Reward: Gold (3600), EXP (5000), SP (1000), Hell Celestial Stone

Look For Pet
Start NPC: Chanel
Location: Dragon City North (547,686)
Mission #1: Collect Lynx Bone (5) From Hunter Lynx
Monster Locale: Outside Dragon City West (493,647)
Mission #2: Visit Wowo Of Dragon City (564,618)
Mission #3: Get Decomposed Fish Bone (5) From Hunter Lynx
Monster Locale: Outside Dragon City West
Mission #4: Visit Wowo Of Dragon City (564,618)
Mission #5: Visit Chanel (547,686)
Reward: Gold (2800), EXP (4700), SP (1000), Celestial Stone Fragment

Meeting With General
Start NPC: Pharmacist Richie
Location: Dragon City West Center (522,659)
Mission #1: Visit General Sorely (521,629)
Reward: Gold (720), EXP (1207), SP (270)

Eliot Love Dragon
Start NPC: Eliot
Location: Dragon City Center West (543,653)
Mission #1: Visit The Dragon Emissory At Inn Of Eagle Or North Pass Camp Or Fallen Tassle Village (Starting Locations Of When You Started The Game)
Reward: EXP (1000)

1)The Concern Of Boatman
Start NPC: Boatman
Location: Dragon City Eastern Dock (580,659)
Mission #1: Visit Sinclair (570,677)
Reward: EXP (1000)

2)Devil's Wood
Start NPC: Sinclair
Required Quest: The Concern Of Boatman
Location: Dragon City North (570,677)
Mission: Get Thick Batten (25) From Devil Arbor Hide (478,663)
Monster Locale: Dragon City West Outskirts
Reward: EXP (5200), SP (1300)

3)Repair The Ship
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Devil's Wood
Location: Dragon City North (570,677)
Mission: Visit Boatman At Dragon City North (570,677)
Reward: Gold (4600), EXP (2400), SP (600), Heaven Celestial Stone

Hilda And Howe
Start NPC: Hilda
Location: Cambridge Village (228,554)
Mission #1: Lend Hilda 3000 Gold
Mission #2: Talk To Pharmacist Samuel (229,560)
Mission #3: Kill Blackhive Wolven For Heart Of Wolven (1)
Monster Locale: Silk Ridge Near Wolf Den (375,622)
Mission #4: Talk To Pharmacist Samuel (229,560)
Mission #5: Talk Hilda (228,554)
Mission #6: Talk Pilot Olivier Of West Dragon City (520,658)
Mission #7: Talk Pilot Olivier Of West Dragon City (520,658) [ Observation: you have to wait a while ]
Mission #8: Visit Hilda (228,554)
Reward: Gold (3500), EXP (5800), SP (1200), Celestial Stone Fragment

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 21The power of love
Start NPC: Chanel
Location: Dragon City North (547,686)
Mission #1: Get Lynx Skin (12) From Hunter Lynx
Monster Locale: West Outskirt Of Dragon City
Reward: Gold (2800), EXP (4700), SP (1100)

Loving Part 2
Start NPC: Chanel
Location: Dragon City North (547,686)
Mission #1: Get Soul Of Earth (20) From Fraility Gnome
Monster Locale: West Outskirt Of Dragon City
Reward: Gold (3900), EXP (6600), SP (1600), Celestial Stone Fragment

Revenge of Bernice (Werefox only)
Start NPC: Bernice
Location: West City (521, 655)
Mission: Get 1 Hunte Lynx Petegg
Monster Locale: West Outskirt Of Dragon City
Reward: Gold: (2400), EXP (4000), SP (880)
(Edit Section ↓)
Level 22Gold Raider
Start NPC: Little Leavitt
Location: Mines (464,675)
Mission #1: Get Orange Yellow Stone (15) From Quillhog Enchanter (442,681)
Mission #2: Visit Little Leavitt
Mission #3: Visit Mystic Altar
Mission #4: Visit Little Leavitt
Mission #5: Visit Mystic Altar
Mission #6: Visit Little Leavitt
Rewards: Gold (7500), EXP (6700), SP (1600)
Reward Choice #1: Jargoon Soulstone
Reward Choice #2: Fiery-Red Soulstone 5
Reward Choice #3: Lazulli Soulstone
Reward Choice #4: Whitebrume Soulstone
Note: Everytime you talk to Leavitt or the altar you will be give a totally new quest that continues the chain although quest log doesn't show them as subquest . Once you completed all the different quest you will get reward.

Start NPC: Bernice
Location: Dragon City West (521,655)
Mission #1: Visit Morpheus (512,662)
Reward: Gold (860), EXP (1400), SP (320)

Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Nightmare
Mission #1: Kill Werewolven Warrior (35) (442,681)
Mission #2: Visit Morpheus Outside West Dragon City (512,661)
Reward: Gold (3700), EXP (6300), SP (1500), Celestial Stone Fragment

The Iron Chef
Start NPC: Ichthyologist
Location: Dragon City East (571,656)
Time Limit: 60 Minutes to complete
Mission #1: Collect Bone Of Centipede King (12) From Gestbed Chilopod Kaiser
Monster Locale: Near Mine Of Mount Broken Bow
Mission #2: Collect Eyeball Of White Wolf (12) From WhiteEyed Wolverion Czar
Monster Locale: Near Mine Of Mount Broken Bow
Mission #3: Collect Seed Of LeechDrake (5) From Megalith LeechDrake
Monster Locale: Near Mine Of Mount Broken Bow
Reward: Gold (3600), EXP (6000), SP (1500), R (3), 20 Refine NineSolar Elixir, Hell/Human Celestial Stone/Celestial Stone Fragment

Black Ore
Start NPC:Blacksmith Xhaiden
Location: Dragon City North (563,682)
Mission #1: Collect Black Ore Mine (10) At The Mine In Mount Of Broken Bow
Reward: Gold (1700), EXP (2800), SP (640), Celestial Fragment Stone

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 23The effect of Jealousy
Start NPC: Boatman
Location: Dragon City Eastern Dock (580,659)
Mission #1: Visit Ancient Dragon City Elder (570,648)
Mission #2: Visit Karen Of Dragon City (525,660)
Mission #3: Visit Boatman (580,659)
Reward: Gold (2500), EXP (4100), SP (1000), Human Celestial Stone

The Case Of Mrs. Stregy
Start NPC: Mrs Stregy
Location: Dragon City Eastern Dock (582,659)
Mission #1: Visit Underwater Ghost (600,654)
Mission #3: Locate Twelth Earthly Sign Cheionian At South Dragon City, In River (543,609)
Mission #3: Visit Underwater Ghost (600,654)
Mission #4: Visit Mrs Stregy (582,659)
Reward: Gold (3400), EXP (6000), SP (1400), Celestial Stone Fragment

Total Annihilation
Start NPC: Savlvatore
Location: Outside West Dragon City (511,654)
Mission #1: Kill WhiteEyed Wolverion Czar (30)
Reward: Gold (3100), EXP (5100), SP (1200), Celestial Stone Fragment

The Elder's Secret
Start NPC: Ancient Dragon City Elder
Location: Dragon City East (570,648)
Mission #1: Visit Favian (581,764)
Mission #2:Get Letter Manuscript Within The Temple Of Orchid (578,767)
Mission #3: Visit Ancient Dragon City Elder (570,648)
Reward: Gold (10000)

The Beast Strikes Back
Start NPC: Ancient Dragon City Elder
Location: Dragon City East (570,648)
Mission #1:Kill Werewolven Warrior (30)
Monster Locale: Mount Of Broken Bone
Reward: Gold (3200), EXP (5400), SP (1300), Celestial Stone Fragment

Sinclair Entrust
Start NPC: Sinclair
Location: Dragon City North (570,677)
Mission #1: Visit Blacksmith Mark (565,623)
Reward: Gold (820), EXP (1300), SP (310)

Diamond Stone
Start NPC: Blacksmith Mark
Required Quest: Sinclair Entrust
Location: Dragon City South (565,623)
Mission #1: Get Diamond Stone (20) From Greater Envenom Ghoul
Monster Locale: West Of Dragon City, by the mines area
Reward: Gold (3400), EXP (5700), SP (1400), Celestial Fragment Stone
(Edit Section ↓)
Level 24Drive the invader
Start NPC: General Sorely
Location: Dragon City South (521,629)
Mission #1: Kill PyroGothloc Apprentice (15)
Mission #2: Kill Quillhog Enchanter (15) (442,675)
Monster Locale: Mount Of Broken Bow
Mission #3: Report to General Sorely (521,629)
Reward: Gold (3200), EXP (5400), SP (1300)

Drive the invader
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Drive the invader
Location: Dragon City South (521,629)
Mission #1: Kill PyroGothloc Boanerges (15)
Mission #2: Kill Quillhog Enchanter Kaiser (15)
Monster Locale: Mount Of Broken Bow
Mission #3: Report to General Sorely (521,629)
Reward: Gold (3400), EXP (5600), SP (1400)

Drive the mine invader
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Drive the invader
Location: Dragon City South (521,629)
Mission #1: Kill Mount-Wolven Warrior (15)
Mission #2: Kill TerraWraith Sentinel (15)
Mission #3: Kill Char - GrowlingFangs [BOSS] (1)
Monster Locale: West side of Mount of Broken Bow inside the camp by the tents (460, 724)
Mission #4: Report to General Sorely (521,629)
Reward: Gold (5800), EXP (9800), SP (2400)

A Weird Stone Alter
Start NPC: Mystic Altar
Required Quest: Sinclair Plead
Location: Mount Of Broken Bow (454,685)
Mission #1: Visit General Sorely (521,629)
Reward: EXP (1400), SP (320)

Elder Unveiled Secrets
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: A Weird Stone Alter
Mission #1: Visit Ancient Dragon City Elder (570,648)
Reward: EXP (1400), SP (320)

Founding Sword Old Man
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Elder Unveiled Secrets
Mission #1: Visit Found Sword Old Man (536,755)
Reward: EXP (1400), SP (320)
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Membre de la guild
Membre de la guild

Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 20-30 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quetes Level 20-30   Quetes Level 20-30 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:31

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 25Hydroyard Rancor Heard
Start NPC: General Sorely
Location: Dragon City South (521,629)
Mission #1: Collect Catapult Blueprint (25) From Skelrelic Craftsman
Monster Locale: North Of Dragon City, East Of Flag Hill
Mission #2: Visit Blacksmith Xhaiden Of North Dragon City (563,682)
Reward: Gold (4000), EXP (6600), SP (1600), Hell Celestial StoneLVL 25

Desolation Cemetery
Start NPC:Elder
Location: Dragon City East (570,648)
Mission #1: Found east of Shining Tide Woods Temple of Orchids inside Favian (581,764)
Reward:gold 850 , exp 1400 , skill point 350
Mission #2:Destroy 15 Skelrelic Merchant and 15 Skerleic Geisha
Mission #3:The stollen HemoJad

The Exorcist
Start NPC: General Sorely
Location: Dragon City South (521,629)
Mission #1: Visit Prince Jebel (429,676)
Mission #2: Visit Asclepius Of Vicinage Town (422,648)
Mission #3: Get Blistering Blous From Mount Wolven Warrior
Monster Locale: NorthWest Of Mount Of Broken Bow
Mission #4: Visit Herbs Sorcerer At Town Of Forwarding Wind (433,730), Answer his question "This..Iam a rough man, can you ask me something fighting."
Mission #5: Visit Asclepius Of Vicinage Town (422,648)
Reward: Gold (4400), EXP (7300), SP (1700), Human Celestial Stone

The Stolen Paleography
Start NPC: Elder
Location: Dragon City East (570,648)
Mission #1: Collect Paleography (30) From Skelrelic Craftsman
Monster Locale: North Of Dragon City, East Of Flag Hill
Reward: Gold (3300), EXP (5600), SP (1300), Celestial Fragment Stone

The Search for Wallace
Start NPC: Fawndella
Location: Dragon City North (563,687)
Mission #1: Get Wallace's Diary From Werewolven Marksman
Monster Locale: Mount Of Broken Bow
Mission #2: Visit EtherSword Elder (433,887)
Mission #3: Visit Wallace (439,892)
Mission #4: Visit Fawndella (563,687)
Mission #5: Visit Wallace (439,892)
Mission #6: Visit Fawndella (563,687)
Reward: Gold (5100), EXP (8500), SP (2000), Cloud Puff Coronet

Ruo Orchid's Heart
Start NPC: Sinclair
Location: Dragon City North (570,677)
Mission #1: Visit Favian (581,764)
Mission #2: Kill Bramble Chilopod Queen (30)
Monster Locale: South Of Temple Of Orchid
Mission #3: Locate Ruo Orchid On Top Of Tower (580,770) look at map top tower at north near NPC Xantara
Reward: Gold (4500), EXP (7500), SP (1500)

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 26Founding Sword Old Man
Start NPC: Blacksmith Xhaiden
Location: ADC North (563,682)
Required Mission: Hyrdoyard Rancor Head
Mission #1: Visit Founding Sword Old Man (536,755)
Mission #2: Kill Malice Night Jackal (35)
Monster Locale: Around Founding Sword Old Man Area
Reward: Gold (6500), EXP (11700), SP (2300), Celestial Stone Fragment

complex energy
Start NPC: Sinclair
Location: Dragon City North (570,677)
Mission #1: Visit Favian At Temple Of Orchid (581,764)
Reward: Gold (930), EXP (1500), SP (340)

WeeJinn Stone
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Str. Of Perpetual Wave
Location: Dragon City North (570,677)
Mission #1: Get WeeJinn Stone (20) From Dual-Saber Diplopod
Monster Locale: North Of Flag Hill (542,720)
Reward: Gold (3900), EXP (6500), SP (1500), Human Celestial Stone

sinclair's pride
Start NPC: Sinclair
Required Quest: WeeJinn Stone
Location: Dragon City North (570,677)
Mission #1: Get Chilopod King Horn (30) From Destructor Chilopod King
Monster Locale: North Of Temple Of Ochid (574,789)
Mission #2: Return To Sinclair
Reward: Gold (4500), EXP (7500), SP (1800)

Good News
Start NPC: Sinclair
Required Quest: Sinclair's Pride
Location: Dragon City North (570,677)
Mission #1: Visit Blacksmith Mark (565,623)
Reward: Gold (970), EXP (1600), SP (360)

Good News
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Good News
Mission #1: Visit Sinclair (570,677)
Reward: Gold (970), EXP (1600), SP (360), Celestial Stone Fragment

Lonely Girl In Moor (Level 30 Recommended Unless, Elf Class, Or Female Char)
Start NPC: Xantara
Location: Temple Of Orchid (581,769)
Mission #1: Talk To Favian (581 764)

Missing Girl
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Lonely Girl In Moor
Mission #1: Talk To LadyWraith (581,769)

The Missing Warrior
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Missing Girl
Mission #1: Locate Male's Corpse (565,768)

Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: The Missing Warrior
Mission #1: Talk To Favian (581 764)

Produce Ghost
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Exposed
Mission #1: Collect Bone Of Geisha (10) From Skelrelic Geisha
Monster Locale: Shining Tide Woods
Mission #2: Collect Horn Of Tauren (10) From Tauren slaver and Collect Horse Chestnut (5) around Flag Hill on the north Ancient Dragon City and Orchid Temple's area
Mission #2 (ALT): Collect Horn Of Tauren (10) From Tauren slaver and Bone Of Geisha (10) north of Orchid Temple
Mission #3: Talk To Favian (581 764)
Monster Locale: North Of Temple Of Orchid

Lady Spirit
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Produce Ghost
Mission #1: Visit Xantara (581,769)

Female Ghost Xantara
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Lady Spirit
Mission #1: Talk To Favian (581 764)

Cinco Monk
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Female Ghost Xantara
Mission #1: Visit Cinco Monk (598,766)

Talisman Of Samsara
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Cinco Monk
Mission #1: Kill Terra Wraith Archer And Collect Strong Tooth (5)
Mission #2: Collect Lotus Tuber (5)
'''Monster Locale:(541,768)

Xantara Life
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Talisman Of Samsara
Mission #1: Visit Xantara (581,769)

Digg The Grave
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Xantara Life
Mission #1: Visit Grave (601,793)

Power Of BloodRave
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Digg The Grave
Mission #1: Visit Xantara (581,769)

Perish BloodRave
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Power Of BloodRave
Mission #1: Kill Bloodrave Cadaver Devil (581,769)
Monster Locale: Wanders Around (542, 778)

Brother Of BloodRave
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Perish BloodRave
Mission #1: Visit Cinco Monk (598,766)

Disaster In Orchis
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Brother Of BloodRave
Mission #1: Visit Tear Of Heaven City Elder (470,570), Must Be Able To Fly,Ask a boy to cuddle you up there

Haggish Reveal Stone
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Disaster In Orchis
Mission #1: Visit Haggish Reveal Stone (519,582)
Reward: Celestial Stone Fragment

DepthStynx Geezer
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Haggish Reveal Stone
Mission #1: Kill Haggish - DepthStyx Geezer (535,524) A Giant Tree
Mission #2: Visit Xantara (581,769)

Revive Marrow
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Haggish Reveal Stone
Mission #1: Get Revive Grass (10 At Orchis Serene Valley, East (587,549)
Mission #2: Visit Cinco Monk (598,766)

Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Revive Marrow
Mission #1: Visit Xantara (581,769)
Reward: Gold (5700), EXP (19000), SP (8600)
Reward Choice #1: Red Nephelion Fuzion, Human Celestial Stone
Reward Choice #2: Cadaver Belaial's Blood, Human Celestial Stone
Reward Choice #3: Lady's Wraith Necklace, Human Celestial Stone

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 27Cynic
Start NPC: Conrad
Location: Dragon City North (556,672)
Mission #1: Visit Ancient Dragon City Elder (570,648)
Mission #2: Return To Conrad
Mission #3: Visit Mrs Conrad (586,782)
Mission #4: Return To Conrad
Reward: Gold (3900), EXP (6400), SP (1400), Human Celestial Stone

Deliver New Clothes
Start NPC: Tailor Ellen
Location: Dragon City West (522,648)
Mission #1: Visit Karen (525,660)

Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Deliver New Clothes
Mission #1: Visit Tailor Ellen (522,648)
Reward: Gold (1500), EXP (2400), SP (600), Celestial Stone Fragment

Swigersorus's Rumour
Start NPC: Elder (327,427)
Location: City Of Feather
Mission #1: Visit Wing Elf Anchoret (319,330)
Mission #2: Capture Swigersorus (447 672)
Mission #3: Visit Wing Elf Anchoret (319,330)
Mission #4: Find Swigersorus's remains at bottom of Lake of of Ethersword (488,902)
Mission #5: Visit Wing Elf Anchoret (319,330)
Reward: Gold (4300), EXP (7200), SP (1800), Celestial Fragment Stone
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Membre de la guild
Membre de la guild

Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 20-30 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quetes Level 20-30   Quetes Level 20-30 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:31

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 28Recast The Great Sword
'''Start NPC:

Stone Chopper Warrior
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Recast The Great Sword
Location: Shining Tide Woods (536,755)
Mission #1: Visit Mystic Altar (454,686)
Reward: Gold (7300) EXP (1400), SP (320)

Tea Lady's Problem
Start NPC: Tea Picker Lady
Location: Lake Of Sky (458,593)
Mission #1: Visit Skyscrapping Old Man (426,561)
Reward: Gold (1000), EXP (1600), SP (370), Heaven Celestial Stone

Seed Of Camelia
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Tea Lady's Problem
Mission #1: Collect Seed Of Remex Camellia From Bolden - Grand Fowl (429,537)
Mission #2: Visit Tea Picker Lady (458,593)
Reward: Rep(1) Gold (4500), EXP (6000), SP (1200), Heaven Celestial Stone

Blow Enemy Sky High
Start NPC: General Sorely
Location: Dragon City Southwest (521,629)
Mission #1: Kill HexWolven Sharpshooter (10)
Monster Locale: Orchis Serene Valley
Mission #2: Kill Devil Arbot Root (10)
Monster Locale: Orchis Serene Valley
Mission #3: Kill TorGirn Sentry (10)
Monster Locale: Orchis Serene Valley
Reward: Gold (4200), EXP (7000), SP (1700), Hell Celestial Stone

Isabella's Hope
Start NPC: Isabella
Location: Dragon City West (523,650)
Mission #1: Visit Kale Of Mirror Lake Residence (445,570)

The KunLun Lord
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Isabella's Hope
Mission #1: Kill KunLun Lord Alone At West Of Mirror Lake Residence (431,556) -- note: he's lvl 100, yea, but he's weak and doesnt attack, so dont worry but he might go to the monster there and you will be kill MWAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA Mission #1: Visit Kale Of Mirror Lake Residence (445,570)
Reward: Gold (1), EXP (1), SP (1)

Meet Nedra
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: The KunLun Lord
Mission #1: Meet Nedra (446,570)
"'place to find hair (459,582)
Reward: Transfigure Scroll.. Ciulpk byby ;D

Nedra's Hair
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Meet Nedra
Mission #1: Get Hair Of Nedra From Bottom Of Lake (459,582)

Pass The Test
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Nedra's Hair
Mission #1: Talk To Kale (445,570)
Reward: Bun

Deliver The Bun
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Pass The Test
Mission #1: Return to Isabella Of Dragon City (523,650)

Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Deliver The Bun
Mission #1: Visit Ohanzee (546,628)

Look For Ingredients
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Ohanzee
Mission #1: Visit Elders Of Human, Beast, and Wing Kind.

Deliver The Matarials
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Look For Ingredients
Mission #1: Visit Ohanzee (546,628)

The Real Bun
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Deliver The Matarials
Mission #1: Visit Isabella Of Dragon City (523,650)

Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: The Real Bun
Mission #1: Return to Isabella Of Dragon City After 10 Minutes (523,650)
Reward: Rep(5) Gold (8400), EXP (10000), SP (2000), Bun Of Isabella (3)

The Flower Of Love
Start NPC: Merchantizer Joshua
Location: Dragon City North (545,683)
Mission #1: Visit Transfigurator Jennie (532,633)
Mission #2: Report back to Joshua (545,683)
Mission #3: Collect 10 Cardioactive grass (plant that grows in many places
Mission #4: Report back to Joshua (545,683)
Reward: Rep(2) Gold (20000), EXP (6000), SP (1200), Hell Celestial Stone

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 29Lost Of Hirundinidae
Start NPC: Salvatore
Location: Dragon City West (511,654)
Mission #1: Talk To General Sorely (521,629)

Looking For The Clue
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Lost Of Hirundinidae
Mission #1: Collect Broken Armor (10) From Decaying BaneGhoul
Monster Locale: South Of Mirror Lake Residence
Mission #2: Visit General Sorely (521,629)

Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Looking For The Clue
Mission #1: Visit Tristram (581,685)

Plate For Hirundinidae
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Tristram
Mission #1: Visit General Sorely (521,629)

Hirundinidae Barbarian
Start NPC: N/A
Required Quest: Plate For Hirundinidae
Mission #1: Visit Winnow (511,652)
Mission #2: Kill Hirundinidae Barbarian At Mines (474,679)
Mission #3: Visit General Sorely (521,629)
Reward: Gold (6000), EXP (10,000), SP (1800), Heaven Celestial Stone, Astray War Helmet

The Secret News
Start NPC: General Sorely
Required Quest: Cultivation for levels 21- 29
Location: Dragon City South West (521,529)
Mission #1: Visit Regretless Master (520,628)

Iron Blood Tablet (2)
Required Quest: Cultivation for levels 21- 29
Start NPC: Regretless Master
Location: Dragon City South (520,628)
Mission #1: Visit Regretless Master
Reward: Iron Blood Tablet

Green shirt tomb
Start NPC: Regretless Master (520,628)
Required Quests: The Secret News
Location: Dragon City South West (520,627)
Mission #1: Kill Ching Ye Zhi (559,765)
Rewards: Gold (2000), EXP (7500), SP (1500), choice of item (armor)
Tips: Get a full party of atleast lvl 40's to get back to kill him quickly.
go to the dungeon Heroes tomb and run to the back to find the teleporter
go into FB29 (The dungeon) and kill Ching Ye Zhi
go back to Regretless master
note: Ching Ye Zhi has a destructive Earth Element cast (One hit one kill for most classes)
(Edit Section ↓)
Level 30Repair Flying Device
Start NPC: Traveling Merchant Loic
Location: EtherSword City (438,886)
Mission #1: Visit Blacksmith Francis (431,874)
Mission #2: Visit Book Merchant (429,880)
Mission #3: Kill Skelwizen Guard (35)
Monster Locale: Flag Hill (568,743)
Mission #4: Visit Book Merchant (429,880)
Mission #5: Visit Blacksmith Francis (431,874)
Mission #6: Visit Traveling Merchant Loic (438,886)
Reward: Gold (9600) EXP (16000), SP (3900)

Start NPC: General Sorely
Location: Dragon City South (521,629)
Mission #1: Visit Eunice (530,641)
Reward: Gold (8000), EXP (9000), SP (1700)

Stone Of Madness (Daily Repeatable Quest)
Start NPC: Eunice
Location: West Dragon City (530,641)
Required Lvl: 30-40
Mission #1: Collect Jade Soulstone Grade 1, Beryl Sounstone Grade 1, Balas Soulstone Grade 1, Jet Soulstone Grade 1, Topaz Soulstone Grade 1.
Item Locale: Merchandizer (Tab 3)
Mission #2: Visit random NPC in Ancient Dragon City based on Level
Mission #3: Wait for 10 minutes
Mission #4: Visit Eunice (530,641)
Reward: EXP (15800), SP (3200) (Increases based on Level, adds about 20% to 23% to your EXP bar)
Repeatable Every Day (One time each day, starts at 00:00 GMT+Cool

Flying Master's Agony
Start NPC: Mission Provider
Location: West Dragon City (533,644)
Mission #1: Visit Pilot Olivier (520,658)

Visit Thatched Cottage
Start NPC: Pilot Olivier
Location: West Dragon City (520,658)
Mission #1: Visit Gandalf (574,568)
Mission #2: Kill ArgenWave HexSabre (30)
Monster Locale: Orchis Serene Valley (571,585)
Mission #3: Visit Gandalf (574,568)
Mission #4: Visit Chelsea (564,532)
Mission #5: Visit Gandalf (574,568)
Mission #6: Get White Lotus Of Elisabeth At Skyscrapping Cliff (423,519)
Mission #7: Visit Gandalf (574,568)
Reward: Gold (8640), EXP (14400), SP (3475), One Celestial Stone Fragment

Lost Jade HairClasp
Start NPC: Beyonce
Location: West Dragon City (531,652)
Mission #1: Get Hair Clasp From Skelwisen Warlock
Monster Locale: Shining Tide Woods
Reward: Gold (3000), EXP (5000), SP (1200)

Military Honour
Start NPC: N/A
Mission #1: Visit Ranking Officer Of South Dragon City (521,628)
Reward: EXP (3000)

Military Rank Badge
Start NPC: Ranking Officer
Location: South Dragon City (521,628)
Mission #1: Give 10,000 Gold To Brooke
Reward: First Class Military Rank Badge

1st Class Rank
Start NPC: Brooke
Location: South Dragon City (521,626)
Mission #1: Give 10,000 Gold To Brooke
Reward (Class Dependent): Cuisse Of The Brave (WR), Well-Wisher's Britches (EP)

1st Class Rank
Start NPC: Brooke
Location: South Dragon City (521,626)
Mission #1: Give 10,000 Gold To Brooke
Reward (Class Dependent): The Mark Of Brave Heart (WR), Mark of Well-Wisher (EP)

1st Class Rank
Start NPC: Brooke
Location: South Dragon City (521,626)
Mission #1: Visit Ranking Officier Of South Dragon City (521,628)
Reward (Class Dependent): Plastron Of The Brave (WR), Well-Wisher's Cape (EP)

The Art Of Thunderbird (Humans Only)
Start NPC: Ancient Dragon City Elder
Location: Dragon City South (570,648)
Mission #1: Visit Hermit Morris (479,948)
Mission #2: Collect Intact Purse (5)
Mission #3: Visit Hermit Morris (479,948)
Mission #4: Visit Dragon City Elder (570,648)
Reward: Celestial Fly Sword

Wings of a Thunderbird (Elf Only)
Start NPC: Ancient Dragon City Elder
Location: Dragon City South (570,648)
Mission #1: Visit WingElf Anchoret (319 330)
Mission #2: Collect Elemental Fragments (5)
Mission #3: Visit WingElf Anchoret (319 330)
Mission #4: Visit Dragon City Elder (570,648)
Reward: Wings of Lanneret

Flying Beast (Beast Only)
Start NPC: Ancient Dragon City Elder
Location: Dragon City South (570,648)
Mission #1: Visit City of Vanish's Hermit (216 542)
Mission #2: Collect Blunt Claw (5)
Mission #3: Visit City of Vanish's Hermit (216 542)
Reward: Flying Beast
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