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 Quetes Level 51-60

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Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 51-60 Empty
MessageSujet: Quetes Level 51-60   Quetes Level 51-60 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:36

Level 51 QuestsThe Auric Staff
Start NPC: City of Misfortune Castellan (665,968)
Mission #1: Collect 25 Broken SailorSuit from Bloodthirst BerserkThresher
Monster Locale: East of Tai Chi Shore in the sea (592,980)
Mission #2: Visit City of Misfortune Castellan (665,968)
Mission #3: Visit Yaholo of Flying Eagle Keep (282,568)
Mission #4: Obtain Misfortune Secret Scroll by killing Binlu DracoMyriad of Frozen Realm
Mission #5: Visit Yaholo of Flying Eagle Keep (282,568)
Mission #6: Visit City of Misfortune Castellan (665,968)
Mission #7: Visit Arrow Stepping Manor Suzerain (428,457)
Mission #8: Kill 50 Tauren Chiliarch
Monster Locale: Around Valley of Chess Board (401,458)
Mission #9: Visit Arrow Stepping Manor Suzerain (428,457)
Mission #10: Visit City of Misfortune Castellan (665,968)
Reward: Gold(14200), Exp(23600), SP(5500)

Ancestral's Teaching
Start NPC: City of Misfortune Castellan (665,968)
Mission #1: Visit the Ancestor Stele underwater (661,928)
Mission #2: City of Misfortune Castellan (665,968)
Reward: Gold(3650), Exp(6000), SP(1250),R(6)

Start NPC: Bayle (646,977)
Mission #1: Visit Zazi near Tai Chi Shore (560,997)
Mission #2: Collect 15 Bladder of Boa and 15 Bladder of Python from Etherscaler MagnusBoa(actually the Boa name is Etherscaler Boa,no the word*magnus*,the system got prob) and Catabarren Python
Monster Locale: Tai Chi Shore (591,988)
Mission #3: Visit Zazi (560,997)
Mission #4: Visit Bayle (646,977)
Reward: Gold(16000), Exp(21000), SP(4900), Mid NineDrake Powder(20),R(6)

Treasure Map
Start NPC: Arrow Stepping Manor Suzerain (428,458)
Mission #1: Collect 45 Secret treasure map fragment from PyroGothloc Mentor
Monster Locale: Nearby Arrow Stepping Manor (401,458)
Mission #2: Visit Arrow Stepping Manor Suzerain (428,458)
Mission #3: Visit Alijah of Ancient King's Tripod (470, 428)
Mission #4: Visit Arrow Stepping Manor Suzerain (428,458)
Reward: Gold(15500), Exp(20000), SP(4700), Oracle 5(1),R(6)

Oracle 5
Start NPC:Right click the Oracle 5 in your inventory. Quest book obtained after completing the Treasure Map quest.
Mission #1:Kill 1 BloodThirst Cougar(mini-boss)
Monster Locale:North of Hill of Ending Dragon(311 581)
As a Axe Warrior i soloed this boss easily at lvl 51.
You must kill the monster yourself, it's level 57 and it's a mini-boss so it's hard,here i have tips to kill it.
Tips:you can find a high level player and ask him to lure the boss but don't attack it too much,so you keep attack it,if it come to you,ask the high level player lure its one more time. Or you can ask a high level Elf priest to heal u while you attack
Remark: For a Lvl51 WF this was actually pretty easy coz they gt pet so they should not need a high lvl player

The Concern of Manor
Start NPC: Arrow Stepping Manor Hong (434,459)
Mission #1: Kill 25 Tauren Chiliarch and 25 Tauren Yagers
Monster Locale: Nearby Arrow Stepping Manor
Mission #2: Visit Hong (434,459)
Reward: Gold(11000), Exp(19500), SP(4500),R(6)

The fury of revenge (FB)
Start NPC: Zoltan (285, 566)
Mission #1: Kill Fusha OcelotMyriad
Mission #2: Kill Kimsha CougarMyriad
Monster Locale: Both boss is inside the Frozen Realm
At this point you have to go back to Zoltan to report and get a new quest to completes the second part of this quest. The best way to do this is to leave your party intact in the cave while you alone jump outside the cave (use you town transportation skill).
Mission: Visit Zoltan (285, 566)
Reward: Heaven, Hell or Human Celestrial Stone (random)
After talking to Zoltan (make sure you get the new quest which includes one additional Iron Tablet) go back into the cave to find your party and proceed with the quest
Mission #3: Kill Binlu DracoMyriad
Monster Locale: Boss is inside the Frozen Realm
Mission: Visit Zoltan (285, 566)
Reward: Choose Casque or Magechest, Cinnabar fruit

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Level 52 QuestsThe deceased Family
Start NPC: Mulan (670,964)
Mission #1: Collect Broken FisheryCrossBow (1) from Bloodthirst BerserkThresher
Monster Locale: West of City of Misfortune in the sea (592 980)
Mission #2: Visit Mulan (670,964)
Reward: Exp(5800), SP(1400)

The Vengeance
Start NPC: Mulan (670,964)
Required Mission: The Deceased Family
Mission #1: Collect 20 Valitate Shark Tooth from Bloodthirst BerserkThresher and 25 Shark Tooth from Bloodthirst Magnusin Thresher
Monster Locale: West of City of Misfortune in the sea(592 980)
Mission #2: Visit Mulan (670,964)
Reward: Gold(15000), Exp(24500), SP(5700)

Search Herbs Picker
Start NPC: Nichole (470,430)
Mission #1: Visit Herb Picker (448,425)
Reward: Gold(1850), Exp(3100), SP(650)

Thief Doctrine
Start NPC: Thief Xing (473,428)
Mission #1: Kill Shrewen Berserker
Monster Locale: South of Ancient King's Tripod (464,405)
Mission #2: Obtain Backpack of Xing (1)
Mission #3: Visit Thief Xing (473,428)
Reward: Exp(6200), SP(1300)

A Prisoner's Ambition
Start NPC: Thief Xing (473,428)
Required Mission: Thief Doctrine
Mission #1: Visit Ancient King's Tripod Chief (465,432)
Reward: Exp(3100), SP(650)

Eliminate the Spy
Start NPC: Ancient King's Tripod Chief (465,432)
Required Mission: A Prisoner's Ambition
Mission #1: Kill 55 PyroGothloc Emissary
Monster Locale: South of Ancient King's Tripod
Mission #2: Visit Ancient King's Tripod Chief (465,432)
Reward: Gold(13000), Exp(21500), SP(5000)

Stronger at out
Start NPC: Paladin Feileon (469,423)
Mission #1: Collect 22 Hair of barbarian from Barbarian SharpShooter
Monster Locale: West of Ancient King's Tripod
Mission #2: Visit Paladin Feileon (469,423)
Reward: Gold(13000), Exp(21500), SP(5000)

Herb Picker's Request
Start NPC: Herb Picker (448,425)
Mission #1: Kill 55 Barbarian Berserker
Monster Locale: West of Ancient King's Tripod
Mission #2: Visit Herb Picker (448,425)
Reward: Gold(12500), Exp(21000), SP(4950).

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 53 QuestsA Spoony Paladin
Start NPC: Paladin Feileon (469,423)
Mission #1: Kill 50 PyroGothloc Hierarch
Monster Locale: South of Ancient King's Tripod (461,404)
Mission #3: Visit Paladin Feileon (469,423)
Reward: Gold(12500), Exp(20500), SP(4850), R(6), Hell Celestial Stone

subterranean crisis
Start NPC: Elder of Tears of Heaven City (471,567)
Mission #1: Find the secret entrance around Skyscrapping Cliff (Netherbeast City, stand at entrance (437,550))
Reward: Gold(1800), Exp(3000), SP(700), Celestial Stone Fragment

Eliminate Devil Below
Start NPC: Elder of Tears of Heaven City (471,567)
Required Mission: Subterranean Crisis
Mission #1: Kill 15 Shrewen Sharpshooter, 15 Tauren SniperMagnus, 15 Tauren Thuggisher
Monster Locale: Shrewen Sharpshooter: Skyscrapping Cliff (438,549)
Monster Locale: Tauren SniperMagnus: Skyscrapping Cliff (438,544)
Monster Locale: Tauren Thuggisher: Skyscrapping Cliff (412,531)
Reward: Gold(10500), Exp(17450), SP(4050), R(15), Celestial Stone Fragment

Styxocelot Rex
Start NPC: Elder of Tears of Heaven City (471,567)
Required Mission: Eliminate Devil Below
Mission #1: Visit Guard Season in Tears of Heaven City (472,567)
Mission #2: Kill Styxocelot Rex
Monster Locale: Skyscrapping Cliff (410,526)
Mission #2: Visit Elder of Tears of Heaven City (471,567)
Reward: Gold(19500), Exp(19500), SP(4500)

Kill Monster
Start NPC: Tear of Heaven City Hermit (467,567)
Required Mission: Eliminate Devil Below; Styxocelot Rex
Mission #1: Kill CougarLord of IronForge Madness (Note* You can glitch it with wf, the wf must fly above the cougar's head and release an air pet to glitch it THIS BANNABLE)
Monster Locale: Skyscrapping Cliff (415,505)
Mission #2: Visit Tear of Heaven Vity Hermit (467,567)
Reward: Gold(8400), Exp(14000), SP(3200)

The Power of Taisui
Start NPC: Tear of Heaven City Elder (470,570)
Required Mission: Eliminate Devil Below
Mission #1: Collect Taisiu from Hexwolven Archon
Monster Locale: Skyscrapping Cliff (438,549)
Mission #2: Visit Tear of Heaven City Elder (470,570)
Reward: Gold(6000), Exp(10000), SP(2100), R(15), Celestial Stone Fragment

The unknown hero
Start NPC: Guard Season (472,567)
Required Mission: Subterranean Crisis
Mission #1: Rescue the Unknown Hero from NetherBeast City (Human bodies 435,550)
Mission #2: Visit Human bodies (435,550)
Reward: Gold(5100), Exp(8500), SP(1900) R(12)

Setting Up
Start NPC: City of Misfortune Castellan (665,968)
Mission #1: Kill 55 Catabarren MagnusBoa
Monster Locale: Islands South of City of Misfortune (692,929)
Mission #2: Visit Seath (702,946)
Reward: Exp(21500), SP(5000)

Deliver Report
Start NPC: Seath (702,946)
Required Mission: Setting Up
Mission #1: Visit City of Misfortune Castellan (665,968)
Reward: Gold(15000), Exp(3150), SP(650)
(Edit Section ↓)
Level 54 QuestsPrescription
Start NPC: Herb Picker (448,425)
Mission #1: Collect 45 Gold Peony from Gothloc Chasseur
Monster Locale: South of Ancient King Hill (406,370)
Mission #2: Visit Herb Picker (448,425)
Reward: Gold(3700), Exp(22500), SP(5000), R(6), Mid HemoEnrich Powder(50)

Merchandizer's Plea
Start NPC: Traveling Merchant Yanisin (473,426)
Mission #1: Collect 35 Giant Tauren Leather from Tauren ThuggishMagnus
Monster Locale: South of Ancient King's Tripod (406,370)
Mission #2: Visit Traveling Merchant Yanisin (473,426)
Reward: Gold(12500), Exp(21000), SP(4900), R(6), Human Celestial Stone (1)

Dream of flying
Start NPC: Xiu Xiu (649,975)
Mission #1: Collect 30 Wing of SerpentClon from NineRevolves VipentForm and 15 Feather of FlyingFox from Terra VoltrerFoxie
Monster Locale: Sky above City of Misfortune, Endless Sea (617,981), Endless Sea (664,992)
Mission #2: Visit Xiu Xiu (649,975)
Reward: Gold(14000), Exp(23500), SP(5000), R(6), Celestial Stone Fragment(1)

Feel Depressed
Start NPC: Tristram (581,685)
Mission #1: Visit City of Feather Elder (327,427)
Mission #2: Visit Dockyard Owner (340,371)
Mission #3: Collect 25 Drawing of Shipbuilding from Tauren Warlock
Monster Locale: Black Mountain (405,326)
Mission #4: Visit Dockyard Owner (340,371)
Mission #5: Visit Winifred (369,349)
Mission #6: Visit Tristram (581,685)
Reward: Gold(14200), Exp(24000), SP(5500)

Emaciated Prisoner
Start NPC: Prisoner Leigh (462,343)
Mission #1: Collect 1 Remotest Liquid from SoulChevy Antilope
Monster Locale: North of Fangs Town, Ancient King Hill (419,368)
Mission #2: Visit Prisoner Leigh (462,343)
Reward: Exp(6000), SP(1400).

Dernière édition par Escelan le Lun 18 Mai - 20:37, édité 1 fois
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Membre de la guild
Membre de la guild

Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 51-60 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quetes Level 51-60   Quetes Level 51-60 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:37

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 55 QuestsSeven Breve
Start NPC: Fangs Town Flamen (447,340)
Mission #1: Kill Empyrean Orb - Ether Sting
Monster Locale: Tai Chi Shore (580,987 )
Mission #2: Visit Fangs Town Flamen (447,340)
Reward: Gold(12600), Exp(21000), SP(4800)
The Boss snake is Lvl70 and one you need a full party or some high lvl players to kill him

Flying Eagle Keep
Start NPC: Walworth (464,340)
Mission #1: Visit Zoltan (284,566)
Reward: Gold(1950), Exp(3300), SP(650), R(3), Heaven Celestial Stone (1)

Alienative Technique
Start NPC: Prisoner Leigh (462,343)
Mission #1: Kill 60 Tauren Warlock
Monster Locale: Black Mountain (440,362)
Mission #2: Visit Prisoner Leigh (462,343)
Reward: Gold(16000), Exp(23500), SP(5500), R(6), Soul Chaser's Cuisse, Celestial Stone Fragment (1)

Amazing Dream
Start NPC: Mission Provider (533,644)
Mission #1: Visit Sandres (165,523)
Mission #2: Visit Pharmacist Sidney (444,897)
Mission #3: Retrieve the Yian Document from the Endless Sea (692,834)
Mission #4: Visit Pharmacist Sidney (444,897)
Mission #5: Visit Fran (360,360)
Mission #6: Collect Lute of Spun Gold from Callosity Hexsabre
Monster Locale: Island of Dawn Hoofing
Mission #7: Visit Fran (360,360)
Mission #8: Visit Gentry (283,567)
Mission #9: Dig Janeeva's Remains inside Frozen Realm (level 60 mob Janeeva pops out after digging, kill her to get remains.
Mission #10: Defeat Janeeva
Mission #11: Visit Gentry (283,567)
Mission #12: Visit Pharmacist Sidney (444,897)
Mission #13: Visit Sandres (165,523)
Reward: Gold(11880), Exp(35000), SP(5100)

Abyssal GigaDrake
Start NPC: City of Misfortune Castellan (665,968)
Mission #1: Kill Abyssal GigaDrake
Monster Locale: Endless Sea (688,961)
Mission #2: Visit City of Misfortune Castellan (665,968)
Reward: Gold(10800), Exp(10800), SP(4200), R(24) This boss is Lvl 60 and has several lvl52 companions. You need a full party or some high lvl players

Liu Yue's Herbhoe
Start NPC: Liu Yue (694,912)
Mission #1: Visit Azonye (706,907)
Mission #2: Kill 25 Westcontinent SkyScorpioc Kralj (694,908) and 35 Callosity HexSabre
Monster Locale: Near Azonye
Mission #3: Visit Azonye (706,907)
Mission #4: Visit Liu Yue (694,912)
Reward: Exp(24500), SP(5800), R(6), Choice of Grade 5 Soulstone

Start NPC: Azonye (706,907)
Mission #1: Visit Fangs Town Flamen (447,340)
Mission #2: Kill 20 Exertional Convicts
Monster Locale: East of Fangs Town (470,367)
Mission #3: Visit Fangs Town Flamen (447,340)
Mission #4: Visit Jake (458,342)
Mission #5: Collect 10 Occult Fruit from Aurum Princess
Monster Locale: Black Mountain (495,301)
Mission #6: Visit ChingHwa - Thunder Stirps inside Valley of Disaster (inside FB 59 cave)
Mission #7: Kill Enma - Gibbon Sovran
Monster Locale: Black Mountain (481,370)
Mission #8: Visit Fangs Town Flamen (447,340)
Mission #9: Return to Azonye (706,907)
Reward: Gold(16000) Exp(26500), SP(5900), R(6), Celestial Stone Fragment, Morning Weep's WristBracer
Enma is a Lvl60 Boss with several companions so you will need a party or some high lvl players

Trade Caravan's Agony
Start NPC: Tattayo (284,566)
Mission #1: Collect 50 Goods from Cougaron Berserker
Monster Locale: Northeast of Hill of Ending Dragon (302,572)
Mission #2: Visit Tattayo (284,566)
Reward: Gold(13000), Exp(21500), SP(5000), R(6), Celestial Stone Fragment(1)

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Level 56 QuestsDarkeye Ouranos
Start NPC: Bud the Harvester (448,425)
Mission #1: Kill Darkeye Ouranos
Monster Locale: (433 ,414)
Mission #2: Visit Herb Picker (448,425)
Reward: Gold(10800), Exp(10000), SP(2000), R(24), Cinnabar Fruit(1)

Flying Fox Revolt
Start NPC: Jake (458,343)
Mission #1: Kill 60 Extremity Eidofoxie
Monster Locale: Sky above Fangs Town (441,369) or (419,335)
Mission #2: Visit Jake (458,343)
Reward: Gold(16000), Exp(27000), SP(6000), R(6), Celestial Stone Fragment(1)

Conscience of Native
Start NPC: Weak Prisoner (462,343)
Mission #1: Visit Indigene Men (471,331)
Reward: Exp(3350), SP(700)

Betrayer's Confession
Start NPC: Indigene Men (471,331)
Mission #1: Collect 45 Lapel from Gothloc Flamen
Monster Locale: Northeast of Fangs Town (482, 350) or (490 337)
Mission #2: Visit Indigene Men (471,331)
Reward: Gold(16500), Exp(24500), SP(5500), R(6), Heaven Celestial Stone(1)

Looter's Punishment
Start NPC: Weak Prisoner (462,343)
Mission #1: Kill 60 Shrewen Yager
Monster Locale: Northwest of Fangs Town (404, 317)
Note: dont confuse these with the ones near Chewy. They are not the same.
Mission #2: Visit Prisoner Leigh (462,343)
Reward: Gold(14000), Exp(24000), SP(5500), R(6), Celestial Stone Fragment (1)

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 57 Quests всекозлыIndigene Offering
Start NPC: Indigene Men (471,331)
Mission #1: Kill 50 Trioc Ruffian
Monster Locale: West of Tusk Town, Black Mountain (410,305)
Mission #2: Visit Indigene Men (471,331)
Reward: Gold(12500), Exp(21000), SP(4950)

Battle Clarions
Start NPC: Blacksmith Mo (468,319)
Mission #1: Collect 40 Aerox augurer´s horn from Aerox Augurer
Monster Locale: Northeast of Tusk Town
Mission #2: Visit Blacksmith Mo (468,319)
Reward: Gold(14500), Exp(24000), SP(5500)

The Fear of Starvation
Start NPC: Liu Yue (694,911)
Mission #1: Collect 40 Flesh of Araneid from Bloodocular Hexaraneid Kralj
Monster Locale: Island of Dwan Hoofing (694,908)
Mission #2: Visit Liu Yue (694,911)
Reward: Gold(14500), Exp(24000), SP(5500), R(6), Celestial Stone Fragment (1)

Fleet Who Died
Start NPC: Luisyon (694,911)
Mission #1: Kill 55 Evangel Ether Rustle
Monster Locale: Endless Sea (695,882)
Mission #2: Visit Luisyon (694,911)
Reward: Gold(13000), Exp(22000), SP(5000)

Nameless Isle
Start NPC: Azonye (706,907)
Mission #1: Collect Azonye's bagpack from SnakeIsle Princess
Monster Locale: Nameless Isle east of Ancient Dragon City (662,668)
Mission #2: Visit Azonye (706,907)
Reward: Gold(2550), Exp(4300), SP(1000), R(18), Heaven Celestial Stone(1)
Hint: beware of the very aggressive Lvl68 Boss on the island. Go to (658,665) for a safe spot to kill SnakeIsle Princess

Flying Eagle Key
Start NPC: Zoltan (284,566)
Mission #1: Collect Flying Eagle Key Cast from Hexocelot SniperKralj
Monster Locale: Hill of Ending Dragon (302,594)
Mission #2: Visit Zoltan (284,566)
Reward: Exp(8200), SP(1900)
Mission #3: Visit Secret Case of Castellan (330,583)
Reward: Exp(3450), SP(700)
Mission #4: Visit Zoltan (284,566)
Reward: Gold(6500), Exp(3560), SP(700), R(6), Heaven Celestial Stone(1)

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 58 QuestsThe Essence of Gold
Start NPC: Blacksmith Yancy (468,319)
Mission #1: Collect 45 Marrow of Gold from Aurum Bondmaid
Monster Locale: Northeast of Fangs Town, Black Mountain (480,354)
Mission #2: Visit Blacksmith Yancy (468,319)
Reward: Gold(15500), Exp(26000), SP(6000)

The Survival
Start NPC: Indigene Men (471,331)
Mission #1: Visit Banish Guard Pascal (484,355)
Reward: Exp(3450), SP(700)

Blood Debt
Start NPC: Banish Guard Pascal (484,355)
Required Mission: The Survival
Mission #1: Kill 60 Exertional Convicts
Monster Locale: Northeast of Fangs Town
Mission #2: Visit Banish Guard Pascal (484,355)
Reward: Gold(17500), Exp(26000), SP(6000)

Diary Of Old Captain
Start NPC: Liu Yue (694,911)
Mission #1: Collect 25 Broken Dairy from MyriadDharma Auricsquama
Monster Locale: Endless Sea (703,893)
Mission #2: Visit Liu Yue (694,911)
Reward: Gold(14500), Exp(24000), SP(5500)

Test of Sky Calamity
Start NPC: Ancient King's Tripod Chief (465,432)
Mission #1: Extract Token of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth from Valley of Disaster
Reward: Gold(348), Exp(17887), SP(7525)

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 59 QuestsSeath Fungus
Start NPC: Clarence (706,907)
Mission #1: Collect 10 Seath Fungus in the sea
Item Locale: Around the Island Sea Floor (Go under the sea of the island and search for it) (699 891)
Mission #2: Visit Clarence (706,907)
Reward: Gold(6500), Exp(3500), SP(700)

Susu's Heptachord
Start NPC: Clarence (706,907)
Mission #1: Collect Abyssal Thunderclap Tendon from Abyssal Thunderclap
Monster Locale: Endless Sea (685,888)
Mission #2: Visit Clarence (706,907)
Start NPC: Banish Guard Pascal (484,355)
Mission #1: Kill 55 TriOcular GothWraith Kralj
Monster Locale: West of Fangs Town, Black Mountain (403,316)
Mission #2: Visit Banish Guard Pascal (484,355)
Reward: Gold(14500), Exp(24000), SP(5500)

Emplace Lamp
Start NPC: Tomb Watcher (481,387)
Mission #1: Collect Emplate Lamp (1) from Tauren DharmaKing
Monster Locale: West of Fangs Town, Black Mountain (403,316)
Mission #2: Visit Tomb Watcher (481,387)
Reward: Gold(3900), Exp(6600), SP(1500)

Metal Elemental Emerg
Start NPC: (484 356)
Nission #1:go to ADC Elder (570 648)
Mission #2: Need item Elemental Jnvocation
Monster Locale:Aurum Handmaiden (499 312)
Reward: Gold(4750), Exp(8800), SP(2000), R(6), Celestial Stone Fragment (1)

Shot the point
Start NPC: (484 356)
Mission1 #1: kill TriOcular GothWraithe Kralj (55)
Monster Locale: Fang Town (412 322)

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Level 60 QuestsThe Lost Letter
Start NPC: Banish Guard Pascal (484,355)
Mission #1: Collect HumanKind Secret Letter from Foxwings Supremes.
Monster Locale: Flying outside City of EtherSword (436,865) fly same level as city
Mission #2: Visit Guard Myron (432,880)
Mission #3: Kill 30 Foxwing Supremes (same location from Mission #1)
Mission #4: Visit Sentinel (495,870)
Reward: Gold(8100), Exp(13500), SP(3100)

Tomb Watcher's Entrust
Start NPC: Tomb Watcher (481,387)
Mission #1: Kill 60 Convicts Leader
Monster Locale: East of Fangs Town, Black Mountain (487,306)
Mission #2: Visit Tomb Watcher (481,387)
Reward: Gold(16000), Exp(27000), SP(6000)

Jake a Will
Start NgaPC: Jake (458,342)
Mission #gsa1: Collect 50 Iron Xuan Stone from Aurum Princess
Monster Locaale: East of Fangs Town, Black Mountain (495,301)
Mission #2: Visit Jake (458,342)
Reward: Gold(16500), Exp(28000), SP(6000) gsa
Tauren Archon Vengence
Start NPC: Indigene Men (471,331)
Mission #1: Kill 60 Tauren Archon
Monster Locale: East of Fangs Town, Black Mountain (486,300)
Mission #2: Visit Indigene Men (471,331)
Reward: Gold(16000), Exp(27000), SP(6000)

Nonsense News/Duke's Marriage Crisis
Start NPC: Mission Provider (533,644)
Mission #1: Visit Duke of Deer
Mission #2: Visit Princess Jian Ning (558,700)
Mission #3: Visit Shoey (586,567)
Mission #4: Collect 3 VoltrerFoxie Mastic from ExtremityTerra EidoFoxie
Mission #5: Collect 5 Oroxylum (High Grade Herb) (one spot is 550, 310)
Mission #6: Collect 5 Euphorbaie (Low Grade Herb)
Mission #7: Visit Shoey (586,567)
Mission #8: Visit Duke of Deer
Reward: Exp(15450), SP(3090)

Old Friend's Request
Start NPC: Library Curator Kenelm (531,684)
Mission #1: Visit Archaeologist Jones (138,672)
Reward: Gold(5000), Exp(10300), SP(2060)

NetherBeast City Lord
Start NPC: Elder of Tears of Heaven City (471,567)
Mission #1: Kill CougarLord of IronForge Madness
Monster Locale: Skyscrapping Cliff (415,505)
Mission #2: Visit Elder of Tears of Heaven City (471,567)
Reward: Gold(11100), Exp(10000), SP(2000)

Veteran's Nightmare
Start NPC: Retire veteran Clifton (130,678)
Mission #1: Look for BloodStained Will
Item Locale: Town of Arriving (Walk around) (105,665)
Mission #2: Visit Retire veteran Clifton (130,678)
Reward: Gold(5500), Exp(12875), SP(2575)

Orrick's Treasure Map
Start NPC: Paladin Orrick (133,678)
Mission #1: Obtain Orrick's Treasure Map from DeepStyx CadavarDemon
Monster Locale: Haunted Grotto
Mission #2: Visit Paladin Orrick (133,678)
Mission #3: Visit Blacksmith Hayward (123,590) to get Exorcism Loricae for Paladin Orrick at price of 20,000 gold
Mission #4: Visit Paladin Orrick (133,678)
Reward: Gold(5500), Exp(12875), SP(2577), Rep(5)

Archaeology, Tomb Theft
Start NPC: Archaeologist Jones (138,672)
Mission #1: Find Adonia i n Holy Hall of Dusk (Wraith Te Deum Team Mode)
Reward: Gold(5000), Exp(10300), SP(2060)

BloodRed Grass
Start NPC: Archaeologist Jones (138,672)
Mission #1: Collect 5 red grass (163, 686)
Reward: Gold(5000), Exp(10300), SP(2060), Rep(5), Obtain 1 Tartarean Birdy Worm

Nameless Quest
Start NPC: Lieutenant Golin (133,677)
Mission #1: Obtain 1 Tartarean Birdy Worm
Reward: Gold(4500), Exp(7725), SP(1545), Rep(5)

The King of Snake
Start NPC: City of Misfortune Castellan (665,968)
Mission #1: Kill Slitherin Vipent Lord
Monster Locale: Nameless Isle (East of Ancient Dragon City)
Reward: Gold(11100),Exp(18600),SP(4300), Rep(16), human celestial stone, sachet/robe choose

Dragon Wilderness
Start NPC: Geomantic Master Avien (138,671)
Mission #1: Look for Evil Truss (Walk around) (113,685)
Mission #2: Look for Evil Perdition Bell
Item Locale: Town of Arriving (Walk around) (119,639) in altitude 63 (a chest box)
Mission #3: Look for Evil Prostrate Brally
Item Locale: Town of Arriving (Walk around) (172,622)
Mission #4: Visit Mysterious Gink--Cold (135,669)
Reward: Gold(6500), Exp(18840), SP(4368) Rep(5) and be sure u dont get same cords over and over

The Seven Breve
Start NPC: City of Misfortune Castellan (665,968)
Mission #1: Kill AquaScout DarkRaven - Lvl 75! (695,934) Note* It moves so location is random
Reward: Gold(6500),Exp(22500),SP(5200)

Award Kind Punish Evil (Hourly Repeatable Quest)
Start NPC: Msgr of Reward Punish-Trumble
Location: West Dragon City (531,644), Peach Dock (638,565), Fangs Town (473,331), and Dream Searching Port (663, 365)
Required Lvl: 60-95 and Above
Mission #1: Purchase Edict of Reward Punish
Item Locale: Trumble (Edict of Reward Punish option) - Cost starts at 12,600 for lvl 60-64 tab, goes to 27,300 for lvl 95 and above tab
Mission #2: Open Relevant Mission at Trumble. Based on the lvl of Edict of Reward Punish you bought, will have different mobs to choose from.
Mission #3: Deliver Brocade Case to Random NPC
Mission #4: Kill chosen mobs (60) - NOTE: Most of the time, you can do a rep quest from a guard for the same mob and gain 3 rep for the price of 1.
Mission #5: Wait 1 hour (most of the hour will be spent delivering brocade box and killing mobs, but you will not be able to turn quest in until hour is up) and return to any of the Msgr of Reward Punish-Trumbles
Reward: EXP (20000), SP (4000) (Increases based on Level, adds about 10% to 15% to your EXP bar)
Repeatable Every Hour (Note that the hour is in-game time; if you log out before the hour is up, the timer continues counting from the amount of time you had left when you logged out)
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Quetes Level 51-60
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