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 Quetes Level 31-40

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2 participants
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Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 31-40 Empty
MessageSujet: Quetes Level 31-40   Quetes Level 31-40 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:33

Level 31 Quests Danger Position
Start NPC: Nelson
Location: Mirror Lake Residence (444 563)
Mission #1: Visit Tears of Heaven City Hermit (467 567)
Reward: Gold (1100), EXP (1850), SP (405), Celestial Stone Fragment

New foes,new danger
Start NPC: Nelson
Location: Mirror Lake Residence (444 563)
Mission #1: Kill DensGoth Brigadier (50)
Monster Locale: Lake Of Sky East (475 589)
Reward: Gold (7000), EXP (11600), SP (2800), Celestial Stone Fragment

Find Laura's Bag
Start NPC: Laura
Location: Dragon City West (521 660)
Mission #1: Get Accompanying Bag From Four Divine Tutelary (560 646)
Reward: Gold (2700), EXP (4500), SP (900), Celestial Stone Fragment

Spirit of Land
Start NPC: Tears Of Heaven City Hermit
Location: Tears Of Heaven City (467 567)
Mission #1: Kill TorGirn Sentry (45)
Monster Locale: Lake Of Sky East (475 589)
Reward: Gold (6200), EXP (10400), SP (2200), Celestial Stone Fragment

Mutant Trees
Start NPC: Tears Of Heaven City Hermit
Location: Tears Of Heaven City (467 567)
Mission #1: Kill Devil Arbor Root (50)
Monster Locale: Lake Of Sky East (549 556)
Reward: Gold (7000), EXP (11600), SP (2900), Celestial Stone Fragment

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Level 32 QuestsHero Spirit's Ritual
Start NPC: Ancient Dragon City Elder
Location: Dragon City South East (570,648)
Mission #1: Visit Founding Sword Old Man (531,751)
Mission #2: Collect Bloodred Bone (25) From Skelrelic Warloclk
Monster Locale: Nearby Shining Tide Woods
Mission #3: Visit Guard Bona (693,722)
Mission #4: Kill WildFire Guard (15)
Monster Locale: Inside Heroes Tomb
Mission #5: Visit Guard Bona (619,722)
Mission #6: Kill Shade Eido (Inside Heroes Tomb)
Mission #7: Visit Guard Bona (619,722)
Reward: Gold (6500), EXP (10800), SP (2000)

Seven Breve
Start NPC: Visit Tear Of Heaven City Hermit (467,567)
Mission #1: Get Quoite Of Seal At Tower Of Seal (Heroes Tomb, Small room before entering 2nd level) (408, 548)
(Continues at level 35)
Mission #2: Visit Leland (611,715)
Mission #3: Visit Fisherman (639,802)
Reward: EXP (2100), SP (500)
Mission #4: Get Sealed Jade Flask (661,797)
Reward: Gold (2200), EXP (5500), SP (1000), 1 Heaven Celestial Stone
(Continues at level 44)
Mission #5: Visit Blacksmith Hayward (124,590)
Mission #6: Visit Blacksmith Sammy (117,639)
Mission #7: Kill Tauren Valorion (30)
Mission #8: Visit Blacksmith Sammy (117,645)
(Edit Section ↓)
Level 33 QuestsRoaming The World
Start NPC: Tears Of Heaven City Hermit
Location: Tears Of Heaven City (467,567)
Mission #1: Visit Charles
Reward: Gold (2300), EXP (1950), SP (430), Celestial Stone Fragment

Poisonous Spider
Start NPC: Tears Of Heaven City Hermit
Location: Tears Of Heaven City (467,567)
Mission #1: Obtain Aradneid Poision (25) from Tigerstripe Aranied
Monster Locale: East Of Florence River
Reward: Gold (6200), EXP (10300), SP (2500), Celestial Stone Fragment

Height Is Not Easy
Start NPC: Tears Of Heaven City Elder
Location: Tears Of Heaven City (470,570)
Mission #1:Obtain BackStab ScorpiocTail (35)
Monster Locale: East Of Florence River
Reward: Gold (6900), EXP (11500), SP (2700), Deep Bise Mantle, Celestial Stone Fragment

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 34 QuestsTravel Diary
Start NPC: Xarles
Location: Orchis Serene Village (586,566)
Mission #1: Kill Flue HexAraneid Prime To Collect Journey Note (1)
Monster Locale: South Of Serene Valley (582,598)
Reward: EXP (5100), SP (1200), R (4), Celestial Fragment Stone

Cacique's task
Start NPC: Xarles
Location: Orchis Serene Village (586,566)
Mission #1: Nit of Sacrletnob Diplopod (30)
Monster Locale: The little Village" (South Of Serene Village (579,525)
Reward: Gold (12400), EXP (12800), SP (3000), R (4), Celestial Fragment Stone

Rice Of Blue Bliss
Start NPC: Sucahacacan
Location:Ancient Dragon City West (532,657)
Mission #1: Visit Heaven City Elder (470,570)
Mission #2: Visit Drunk warrior (443,891)
Mission #3: Visit The Pet Store (427,893) To Buy Plain Water (10)
Mission #4: Visit Ichthyologist (571,656)
Mission #5: Visit Heaven City Elder (470,570)
Mission #6: Wait 10 Minutes
Mission #7: Visit Suchacacan
Mission #8: Visit Betty Of City Of Vanished (246,651)
Mission #7: Visit Sucahacacan
Reward: Gold (6100), EXP (10200), SP (2450), Heaven Celestial Stone

Red Woman
Start NPC: Lazar
Location: Allled Army Camp (622,722)
Mission #1: Visit Tailor Lydia (545,686)
Mission #2: Visit Fawndella (563,687)
Mission #3: Visit Lazar (545,686) and pay him 10,000 gold.
Reward: EXP (7200), SP (1700), R (3) and your choice of:
Reward Choice #1: Grade 3 Fire-Red Soulstone
Reward Choice #2: Grade 3 WhiteBrume Soulstone
Reward Choice #3: Grade 3 Jargoon Soulstone
Reward Choice #4: Grade 3 Lazuli Soulstone
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Membre de la guild
Membre de la guild

Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 31-40 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quetes Level 31-40   Quetes Level 31-40 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:33

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 35 QuestsHelping Two Lovers
Start NPC: Banker Terence
Location: Dragon City South (555,635)
Mission #1: Kill Argenwave HexSabre To Get Moisture Pearl
Monster Locale: Orchis Serene Valley
Mission #2: Visit Guard Laina (321,419)
Mission #3: Visit Banker Terrence (556,635)
Reward: EXP (10300), SP (2400), R (4), Celestial Stone Fragment

The Flute Of Parent
Start NPC: Jeweller Christine
Location: Dragon City West (521,643)
Mission #1: Collect flaming Pearl Powder (10) From BlazeFlare Mycon
Mission #2: Kill Dual-Saber Diplopods To Collect (15) Antenna
Mission #3: Collect Erberry (5) (536,724 & 541,725 & 520,712)
Mission #4: Visit Favian (581,764)
Mission #5: Visit Jewller Christine (521,644)
Mission #6: Visit Blacksmith Spark (531,658)
Mission #7: Kill Skelwizen Guard, Collect Blood-Stained Bamboo Flute (1)
Monster Locale: Outside entrance to Heroes Tomb
Mission #8: Visit Blacksmith Spark (531,658)
Mission #9: Visit Jeweller Christine
Reward: Gold (8600), EXP (14400), SP (2800), R (12), Heaven Celestial Stone
Reward Choice 1: Sanguinity Cuish
Reward Choice 2: Sanguinity Legharness
Reward Choice 3: Sanquinity Cabala Ring

The Seven Breve (1)
Start NPC: Leland (611,715)
Location: Allied Army Camp
Mission #1: Visit Fisherman (639,802) Mount Lantern
Reward: Gold (1250), Exp (2100), SP (500)

The Seven Breve (2)
Start NPC: Fisherman (639,802)
Required Quests: The Seven Breve (1)
Location: Mount Lantern
Mission #1: Collect 1 Sealed Jade Flask (Farm from the Chest of Water, located in the ocean at coordinates (660,797), Takes 1 minute 15 seconds to respawn.
Reward #1: Celestone of Heaven/Human/Earth or Celestone Fragments (Random)
Reward #2: Gold (2200), Exp (5500), SP (1000), Rep (16)

(Edit Section ↓)
Start NPC: General Sorely (521,629)
Location: Ancient Dragon City
Mission #1: Speak to Lazar in Allied Army Camp (623,722)
Reward: EXP (4300), SP (900)

Start NPC: Xenon (621,724)
Required Quest: Mystery of Ghost Songs
Location: Allied Army Camp
Mission #1: Visit Leland (611,715)
Reward: EXP (2200), SP (480)
Mission #2: Collect Candle (35) from Snake Valley Prime TerraWraith
Reward: EXP (11400), SP (2700)
Mission #3: Visit Xenon (621,724)
Reward: EXP (3000), SP (600)

Start NPC: Xenon (621,724)
Location: Allied Army Camp
Mission #1: Collect Hand-Write Music Book (1) from Skelwizen Mariner (620, 766)
Reward: Gold (3200), EXP (6000), SP (1200), R (4), Celestial Stone Fragment

Start NPC: Refugee (618,721)
Location: Allied Army Camp
Mission #1: Collect Old Horse Corpse (1) from HexWolven Berseker (628, 713)
Reward: Gold (3200), EXP (6000), SP (1200), R (4), Hell/Heavan Celestial Stone
(Edit Section ↓)
Level 37 QuestsSTATUES
Start NPC: Mission Provider (533, 644)
Location: Dragon City West
Mission #1: Visit Lute Divine Tutelary (545, 646) (Stand on statue's shoulder)
Mission #2: Visit Umbel Divine Tutelary (559, 646) (Stand on statue's head)
Mission #3: Visit Dragon Divine Tutelary (559, 660) (Stand on statue's head)
Mission #4: Visit Sword Divine Tutelary (545, 659) (Stand on statue's shoulder)
Mission #5: Kill Deepstyx Ghoul's to gain Blessed Sword
Location: Haunted Grotto
Mission #6: Collect Celestrial Scroll from Heroes Tomb
Location: Green Shirt Tomb (FB29 Dungeon) When you enter the place it's just up ahead
Mission #7: Collect 15 Genesis Fuelcrystals (Disassemble grade 2 armor)
Mission #8: Collect 5 Ageratum
Mission #9: Collect 5 Nectar
Mission #10: Collect 3 Nervine Grass
Mission #11: Return all items to Mission Provider
Reward: EXP (10755), SP (2151), R (10)

Start NPC: Leland (611, 715)
Location: Allied Army Camp (611, 715)
Mission #1: Kill Sappare Ichthyoid Prime to collect Sappare Fins (35) (673, 786)
Reward: Gold (7200), EXP (12100), SP (2800), R (4), Celestial Stone Fragment

Start NPC: Guard Bona (619, 723)
Location: Allied Army Camp (619, 723)
Mission #1: Kill Bedrowned Prime Undine to collect Recorder Trumpet Shell (682, 782)
Reward: Gold (3300), EXP (6000), SP (1300), R (4), Celestial Stone Fragment

The Poor Fisherman
Start NPC: Fisherman (639, 802)
Location: Mount of Lantern (639, 802)
Mission #1: Kill Bloodthirst Hexaraneid Chief to collect Cobwebs (25) (609, 851)
Reward: Gold (6500), EXP (11000), SP (2650), R (4), Hell Celestial Stone/Celestial Stone Fragment

Haunted Grotto
Start NPC: Tear of Heaven Vity Hermit (467,567)
Mission #1: Kill Deepstyx TerraWraith (5)
Mission #2: Kill Deepstyx Myconem (5)
Mission #3: Visit Tear of Heaven vity Hermit
Rewards: Gold (5250), EXP ( 8800), SP (2100), R (12), Human/Hell Celestial Stone
Tips: Get a full party of at least level 40's to get back to kill quickly. Elven priest and Werebeast is a must

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 38 QuestsLEAVE THE COAST
Start NPC: Leland (611, 715)
Location: Allied Army Camp
Mission #1: Visit Fisherman (639, 802)
Reward: EXP (2250), SP (490)

Bloody gigantic fish
Start NPC: Fisherman (639, 802)
Required Quests: Leave the Coast
Mission #1: Kill GaintSnapper Piranha (671, 822) Collect 20 Fins
Mission #2: Visit Fisherman (639, 802)
Rewards: Gold (5000), EXP (12000), SP (2800), R (4), Celestial Stone Fragment

Start NPC: Xenon (621, 724)
Location: Allied Army Camp
Mission #1: Visit Forrester (637, 831)
Reward: EXP (2250), SP (490)

The purpose to betray
Start NPC: Forrester (637, 831)
Required Quests: Visit the General
Mission #1: Go north of fishing village and kill 5 CavalryCuriass ValiantGeneral (658, 860)
Mission #2: Visit Forrester (637, 831)
Rewards: EXP (8700), SP (2100)

Start NPC: Guard Bona (620, 723)
Mission #1: Visit Laik (623, 768)
Mission #2: Kill Antediluvian Ghoul, Get Hemobalas Jade
Location: Heroes Tomb (411, 548)
Mission #3: Visit Laik (623, 768)
Rewards: Gold (3100), EXP (5200), SP (1250), R (12), Hell/Human Celestial Stone

Wraithbeing Scroll
Start NPC: Elder of Tears of Heaven City (471,567)
Mission #1: Kill Deepstyx TerraWraith Koradji, Collect Wraithbeing Scroll 1
Mission #2: Kill Deepstyx TerraWraith General, Collect Wraithbeing Scroll 2
Mission #3: Kill Deepstyx Burstflare Mycon, Collect Wraithbeing Scroll 3
Mission #4: Visit Elder of Tears of Heaven City
Rewards: Gold (5400), EXP (9000), SP (2100), R (12), Heavan/Human/Hell Celestial Stone
Tips: Get a full party of at least level 50's to get back to kill quickly. Elven priest and Werebeast is a must

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 39 QuestsTrick of rancor force
Start NPC: Forrester (637,831)
Required Quests: none (May require Rancor Force Support)
Mission #1: kill Sage Tomb Stone, Collect 10 Floater Evil Charm
Mission #2: kill Griefniner Tomb Stone, Collect 10 Floater Spirit Charm
Mission #3: Visit Forrester
Rewards: Gold (6800), EXP (11350), SP (2700) gold, R (4), Celestial Stone Fragment

The Vengeance Battle
Start NPC: Forrester (637,831)
Mission #1: kill Skelwizen Pirates (40)
Moster Locale: East & South of Fishing Village
Mission #2: Visit Forrester
Rewards: Gold (7000), EXP (11500), SP (2750), R (4), Celestial Stone Fragment

Haunting evil power (FB39)
Start NPC: Elder of tears of heaven city (471,567)
Required quests: Haunted Grotto and Wraithbeing Scroll
Mission #1: Kill Sparky Igneous
Mission #2: Kill Goth Herculeon
Mission #3: Kill Farren Serenity
Boss Locale: Each of them are elite and can be found in the Haunted Grotto. Farren uses Aoe, Sparky is easy and Goth is magic attack
Mission #4: Visit Elder of tears of heaven city
Rewards: EXP (9000), SP (1800), R (16), 1 Cinnabar Fruit
Tips: Get a full party of at least level 40's to get back to kill quickly. Elven priest and Werebeast is a must a

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 40 QuestsDeity sword of flame
Start NPC: Blacksmith Xhaiden
Location: Ancient Dragon City North (563,682)
Mission #1: Visit Sword Tomb (the lava tower at 595,763)
Mission #2: Visit Blacksmith Xhaiden in ADC (563,682)
Mission #3: Visit Blacksmith Francis in Ethersword (431,874)
Mission #4: Visit second Sword Tomb at (523,928) (East of Ethersword)
Mission #5: Visit Blacksmith Francis
wait 10 minutes
Mission #6: Visit Blacksmith Francis
Rewards: Gold (9600), EXP (14000), SP (3100), R(3)

Enter Pterodactyl Army
Start NPC: Forrester
Location: Fishing Village (637,831)
Mission #1: Kill EtherTransverse Pterodactyl (40)
Monster Location: North of Fishing Village in the air (629,867)
Mission #2: Visit Forrester (637,831)
Rewards: EXP (12000), SP (2800), Grade 4 Soulstone

Ch'in Mausoleum General
Start NPC: Forrester
Location: Fishing Village (637,831)
Mission #1: Kill Zhang - Ch'in Mausoleum General to collect Will of Zhang (1) (632, 876)
Monster Location: Beachside of Jade of Shattering Shore
Mission #2: Visit Forrester (637,831)
Rewards: Gold (3700), EXP (6100), SP (1900), R (16), Hell Celestial Stone
Reward Choice: Ch'in Mausoleum War Loricae
Reward Choice: Ch'in Mausoleum WristBracer

Seal the Mardook
Start NPC: Forrester
Location: Fishing Village (637,831)
Mission #1: Kill Mardook ShadeDismal
Time Limit: 2 Hours
Monster Location: Heroes Tomb, he's in the room on the right from the portal to second level. You will need a high level to assist. If do not have enough time to kill, get back to Forrester. You can give up and retake quest.
Mission #2: Visit Forrester
Rewards: Gold (3700), EXP (6100), SP (1900), R (16), Human Celestial Stone
Reward Choice: Mardook ShadeDismal Helmet
Reward Choice: Mardook ShadeDismal Necklace

Fight to win or die
Start NPC: Forrester
Location: Fishing Village (637,831)
Required Quests: Trick of Rancor Force (LVL 39) and Attack on Pterodactyl
Mission #1: Kill Premolar Generals to collect Enemy Ears (20)
Monster Location: North of Fishing Village
Mission #2: Visit Forrester
Rewards: EXP (11000), SP (2650), R (5), Hell Celestial Stone
Reward Choice: Rancareido Ring
Reward Choice: Rancarido Britches

Guide's consignment
Start NPC: Guard Laddu
Location: Camp of Sumor (331,824)
Mission #1: Visit Guide at your character starting location.
Mission #2: Kill 30 Cloudthrust Vipent Form
..................by Vanished South Gate, 239 616
..................by Ethersword, 437 853
..................by Feather, 356 568
Mission #3: Visit Guide
Rewards: Gold (3600), EXP (6000), SP (1400), R (4), Human Celestial Stone/Celestial Stone Fragment
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Membre de la guild
Membre de la guild

Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 29
Localisation : Porrentruy/Suisse

Quetes Level 31-40 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quetes Level 31-40   Quetes Level 31-40 Icon_minitimeDim 24 Mai - 11:40

ta du t'amuser a ecrire tous ca Laughing a moin que tu n'est fais du copier cole Wink
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Quetes Level 31-40 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quetes Level 31-40   Quetes Level 31-40 Icon_minitime

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Quetes Level 31-40
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