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 Quetes Level 41-50

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Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 41-50 Empty
MessageSujet: Quetes Level 41-50   Quetes Level 41-50 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:34

Level 41 QuestsReturn of The Warrior
Start NPC: Clan of Haste Leader
Location: Clan of Haste (368,764)
Mission #1: Kill Mutant Maneating Blossoms (45)
Moster Locale: Southwest of Clan of Haste (347, 732)
Mission #2: Visit Clan of Haste Leader (368,764)
Reward: Gold (8000), EXP (13500), SP (3250), R (5), Celestial Stone Fragment

Visit hermit
Start NPC: Clan of Haste Leader
Location: Clan of Haste (368,764)
Mission #1: Visit Clan of Haste Hermit (356,787)
Reward: Gold (1450), EXP (2450), SP (500), R (3), Human Celestial Stone/Celestial Stone Fragment

Mutant Jackal doomsday
Start NPC: Clan of Haste Leader
Location: Clan of Haste (368,764)
Required Quests: Main Rancor force
Mission #1: Kill Mutant Jackals and collect Mutated Jackal Tooth (20)
Monster Locale Southeast of Clan of Haste
Mission #2: Visit Clan of Haste Leader (368,764)
Reward: Gold (7000), EXP (12000), SP (2900), R (5), Celestial Stone Fragment

Missing Tribe Totem
Start NPC: Clan of Haste Elder
Location: Clan of Haste (365,760)
Mission #1: Kill Voltrer Vipent Form (flying) and collect Flame totem (1) (335,720 )
Mission #2: Visit Clan of Haste Elder (365,760)
Reward: Gold (7500), EXP (6000), SP (1400), R (5), Heavan Celestial Stone

Stone of Madness (Daily Repeatable Quest)
Start NPC: Eunice
Location: West Dragon City (530,641)
Required Lvl: 41-61
Mission #1: Collect Jade Soulstone Grade 2, Beryl Sounstone Grade 2, Balas Soulstone Grade 2, Jet Soulstone Grade 2, Topaz Soulstone Grade 2.
Mission #2: Visit random NPC in Ancient Dragon City based on Level
Mission #3: Wait for 10 minutes
Mission #4: Visit Eunice (530,641)
Reward: EXP (29600), SP (5900) (Increases based on Level)
Repeatable Every Day (One time each day, starts at 00:00 GMT+Cool
Hint Buy 3 of each type of grade 1 Soulstone needed then goto Synthesize Master (558,625) and make them into Grade 2 Soulstones
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Level 42 QuestsAsking for Help
Start NPC: Clan of Haste Leader
Location: Clan of Haste (368,764)
Mission #1: Visit Camp of Sumor Chief (334,826)
Rewards: Gold (1500), EXP (2500), SP (500), R (3), Celestial Stone Fragment

Chop trees again
Start NPC: Camp of Sumor Chief
Location: Camp of Sumor (334,826)
Mission #1: Kill IronArbor Abloom (50)
Monster Locale: East of Camp of Sumor (337,770)
Mission #2: Visit Camp of Sumor Chief (334,826)
Reward: Gold (9000), EXP (15000), SP (3600), R(5), Hell Celestial Stone, Amulet (WB/WF/MG gets an amulet with +99 pdef and +35 pdef)

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 43 QuestsMeet Voltrer Vipent Form
Start NPC: Clan of Haste Elder
Location: Clan of Haste (365, 760)
Time Limit: 60 Minutes to complete
Mission #1: Kill Voltrer Vipent Forms (at the sky) (45)
Monster Locale: West of Clan of Haste
Mission #2 Visit Clan of Haste Elder (365,760)
Reward: Gold (8000), EXP (13500), SP (3250), R (5), Hell Celestial Stone/Celestial Stone Fragment

Grandbarren Mastiff
Start NPC: Clan of Haste's Merchandizer Randolph
Location: Clan of Haste (369, 760)
Time Limit: 40 Minutes to complete
Mission #1: Kill Grandbarren Masttifs and collect Red Cornflakes (yes, the cereal) (35)
Monster Locale: North of Clan of Haste
Mission #2: Merchandizer Randolph (369, 760)
Reward: Gold (8500), EXP (14000), SP (3550), R (5), Heaven Celestial Stone/Celestial Stone Fragment

Pharmacist's Plead
Start NPC: Pharmacist David
Location: Clan of Haste (369, 763)
Mission #1: Kill Hetamorph Maneating Floracus and collect 30 petals
Monster Locale: North of Clan of Haste (360, 838)
Mission #2: Apothecary Su (369, 763)
Reward: Gold (8000), EXP (14000), SP (3300), R (5), Celestial Stone Fragment

Save Our Planet
Start NPC: Clan Prophet
Location: Clan of Haste (350, 758)
Mission #1: Kill Arboride Weezbloom (30)
Monster Locale: North of Clan of Haste (351, 852)
Mission #2: Visit Swiftwind Prophet (350, 758)
Reward: Gold (4500), EXP (7500), SP (1500), R (5), Celestial Stone Fragment

(Edit Section ↓)
Level 44 QuestsClan Warrior
Start NPC: Clan Of Haste Chief
Location: Hasten Plain (310, 781)
Mission #1: Visit Clan Warrior (382, 790)
Reward: Gold (1550), EXP (2600), SP (550), R (5), Heaven Celestial Stone/Celestial Stone Fragment

Start NPC: Tailor Lareina
Location: Clan of Haste (368, 760)
Mission #1: Kill Hetemorph Diplopod (45)
Monser Locale: North of Camp of Sumor (333, 901)
Mission #1: Visit Tailor Lareina (368, 760)
Reward: Gold (9000), EXP (15500), SP (3650), 1 star mage boots 'Millelegged Slipper'

The Seven Breve
Start NPC: BlackSmith Hayward
Location: Sundown Town (124, 590)
Mission #1: Visit BlackSmith Sammy: Foot Dragon Tower (117, 639)
Reward: Gold (1600), EXP (2700), SP (650)
Mission #2: Kill Tauren Valorion (30) (126 676)
Time Limit: 30 Minutes to complete
Mission #3: Visit BlackSmith Sammy: Foot Dragon Tower (117, 639)
Reward: Gold (9700), EXP (16200), SP (3800)
Mission #4: Skeleton Skull Hill (171, 623) Window appears when you are in right location Note* You must walk on foot on the location flying won't make the quest finish
Reward: Blade of Seal (Appears in quest inventory), Hell Celestial Stone, R (20)
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Membre de la guild
Membre de la guild

Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 41-50 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quetes Level 41-50   Quetes Level 41-50 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:35

(Edit Section ↓)

Level 45 QuestsMysterious Entrance
Start NPC: Clan Warrior
Location: Mount Burhan (382, 790)
Mission #1: Visit Clan of Haste Chief (310, 781)
Reward: Gold (1600), EXP (2700), SP (550), R (5), Celestial Stone Fragment

The Test of Strength
Start NPC: Guard Laddu or Guard Niles
Location : Camp of Sumor (333, 825), (332, 823)
Mission #1: Kill Spring WizenXylary to collect Strange branches (45)
Monster Locale: Northeast of Foredawn Plain (359, 891)
Reward: Gold (9000), Exp (15000), SP (3550), R (5), Celestial Stone Fragment

Chief's Simple Request
Start NPC: Camp Sumor Chief
Location: Camp of Sumor (334, 826)
Mission #1: Kill Cougaron Archer (45)
Monster Locale: Camp of Sumor (328, 855)
Reward: Gold (9000), EXP (15000), SP (3550), R (5), Hell Celestial Stone

Battle for Deity Shirt
Start NPC: Tear of Heaven City Hermit
Location: Tears of Heaven City (467,567)
Mission #1: Kill Tauren Chiliarch and collect Shirt Fragments (15)
Note: This should be done alone, if in party, only those that deal the final kill will get the quest item.
Monster Locale: Valley of Chess Board (420,472)
Mission #2: Visit Tear of Heaven City Hermit (467,567)
Mission #3: Visit Lady of Sew Kyleigh (555,628)
Mission #4: Collect Leather (10)
Mission #5: Collect Synthesize Thread (10)
Mission #6: Visit Lady of Sew Kyleigh (555,628)
Mission #7: Visit Tear of Heaven City Hermit (467,567)
Rewards: Gold (13250), EXP (15000), SP (5150), R (5), Human Celestial Stones/Celestial Stone Fragment

(Edit Section ↓)

Level 46 QuestsBeauty Sight Continues
Required Quest: Beauty First Sight (Level 35)
Start NPC: Banker Terence
Location: Dragon City South (555,635)
Mission #1: Kill Mutant Maneating Blossoms and collect Flowers (66)
Monster Locale: Unicorn Forest (414,766)
Mission #2: Visit Guard Liana (321,419)
Mission #3: Visit Banker Terence (555,635)
Rewards: EXP (11400), SP (2300), R (4), Hell Celestial Stone

The Message of Chief
Start NPC: Clan of Haste Chief
Location: Hasten Plain (310,781)
Mission #1: Visit Clan of Haste Elder (365,760)
Time Limit: 10 Minutes to complete
Rewards: Gold (1650), EXP (2750), SP (550), R (3), Celestial Stone Fragment

The Believer of Luna
Start NPC: Camp of Sumor Elder
Location: Camp of Sumor (334,827)
Mission #1: Kill MircoHemo-WolvenSuzerain (316,891)
Mission #2: Visit Camp of Sumor Elder (334,827)
Rewards: Gold (5400), EXP (9000), SP (2000), R (20), Heaven Celestial Stone
Reward Choice #1: Lunaris Long Bow
Reward Choice #2: Luna Phoebe's Waist Adorn
Reward choice is the same for all classes.

The Mystery of Eclipse
Start NPC: Camp of Sumor Elder
Location: Camp of Sumor (334,827)
Mission #1: Visit Wraithbeing Yvonne (336,904)
Mission #2: Visit Camp of Sumor Elder (334,827)
Rewards: EXP (5000), SP (1150), R (5), Celestial Stone Fragment, Choice of grade 4 SoulStone

The Head Of Patrol
Start NPC: Sundown Town Elder
Location: Sundown Town (127,589)
Mission #1: Kill Eldergoth SharpShooters and collect Eldergoth SharpShooter Head (30)
Monster Locale: South of Sundown Town (119,575)
Mission #2: Visit Sundown Town Elder (127,589)
Rewards: Gold (9000), EXP (15500), SP (3700), R (5), Celestial Stone Fragment

(Edit Section ↓)

Level 47 QuestsOutpost Need Help
Start NPC: Clan Of Haste Elder
Location: Clan Of Haste (366,760)
Mission #1: Visit Guard Hilario (142,641)
Rewards: Gold (1650), EXP (2800), SP (600), R (3), Celestial Stone Fragment

Aid Of Merchandizer
Start NPC: Merchandizer Randolph
Location: Clan Of Haste (369,760)
Mission #1: Collect Element's Essence (10) DQ 61
Mission #2: Visit Merchandizer Randolph (369,760)
Rewards: EXP (20000), SP (4000), R (5), Heaven Celestial Stone

Tauren Valorion Ear
Start NPC: Guard Hilario
Location: Town Of Arriving (142,641)
Mission #1: Kill Tauren Valorion and collect Tauren Valorion Ear (40)
Monster Locale: Outside Town of Arriving (146,686)
Mission #2: Visit Guard Hilario (142,641)
Rewards: Gold (10500), EXP (18000), SP (4200), R (5), Celestial Stone Fragment

Death Note
Start NPC: Sundown Town Elder
Location: Sundown Town (128,589)
Mission #1: Kill Tauren Decadalion and collect Tauren Decadalion Saliva (35)
Monster Locale: Outside Town of Arriving (146,686)
Mission #2: Visit Sundown Town Elder (128,589)
Rewards: Gold (11000), EXP (18000), SP (4250), R (5), Celestial Stone Fragment

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Membre de la guild
Membre de la guild

Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 41-50 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quetes Level 41-50   Quetes Level 41-50 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:35

Level 48 QuestsInterloper
Start NPC: Sundown Town Elder
Location: Sundown Town (127,589)
Mission #1: Kill GulesScales-FlyingDracon
Monster Locale: Circles a rock located at (186,645)
Mission #2: Visit Sundown Town Elder (127,589)
Rewards: Gold (6000), EXP (9900), SP (2300), R (20), Heavan Celestial Stone
Reward Choice #1: RedDrake MageStaff
Reward Choice #2: GulesScales Waist Adorn

Leopardine BladeWolven
Start NPC: Sundown Town Elder
Location: Sundown Town (127,589)
Mission #1: Kill Leopardine BladeWolven (50)
Monster Locale: Sundown Highland (127,573)
Mission #2: Visit Sundown Town Elder (127,589)
Rewards: Gold (10500), EXP (17500), SP (4100), R (5), Celestial Stone Fragment

Town Of Arriving
Start NPC: Blacksmith Sammy
Location: Town Of Arriving (117,639)
Mission #1: Kill StormHorn-Viriddis ChiefTauren
Monster Locale: Walks around near (116,688)
Mission #2: Visit Blacksmith Sammy (117,639)
Rewards: Gold (6000), EXP (9900), SP (2300), R (20), Hell Celestial Stone
Reward Choice #1: Demon Slayer Sword
Reward Choice #2: Demon Slayer Quoit

TerraWraith Marksman
Start NPC: Guard Hilario
Location: Town Of Arriving (142,641)
Mission #1: Kill Anabasis TerraWraith Marksman (50)
Monstar Locale: Dragon Wilderness (190,664)
Mission #2: Visit Guard Hilario (142,641)
Rewards: Gold (10500), EXP (18000), SP (4200), R (10), Celestial Stone Fragment

Accomplish Couple
Start NPC: Banker Terence
Location: Dragon City South (555,635)
Required Quest: Beauty Sight Continues
Mission #1: Kill Wolven Guardsman and collect Tooth of Red Wolf (20)
Monster Locale: North of Camp Of Sumor (305,888)
Mission #2: Kill Toplain Wolverion Negus and collect Tooth of White Wolf (20)
Monster Locale: North East Dragon Wilderness, East of Town Of Arriving (190,664)
Mission #3: Visit Guard Laina (321,419)
Mission #4: Visit Banker Terence (555,635)
Rewards: EXP (14800), SP (3900), R (4), Heavan Celestial Stone, Choice of grade 4 Soulstone

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Level 49 QuestsA Cursed Warrior
Start NPC: Blacksmith Sammy
Location: Town Of Arriving (117,639)
Mission #1: Kill Quillhog DemonFalchionaire and collect Badge of Courage (30)
Monster Locale: Dragon Wilderness (179,676)
Mission #2: Visit Blacksmith Sammy (117,639)
Rewards: Gold (11000), EXP (18000), SP (4250), R (5), Human Celestial Stone

Dead Hunter
Start NPC: Guard Siber
Location: Sundown Town (124,591)
Mission #1: Kill Tauren Sharpshooter (45)
Monster Locale: NorthEast of Town of Ariving (144,690)
Mission #2: Visit Guard Siber (124,591)
Rewards: Gold (10000), EXP (17000), SP (4050), R (5), Human Celestial Stone

Lost World Superior
Start NPC: Mission Provider
Location: Dragon City West (533,644)
Mission #1: Visit Lost World Superior (573,664)
Quest Changes to: Euberman's Tear
Mission #1: Visit Stubborn Geezer (242,615)
Location: South of City Of Vanished
Mission #2: Kill MystRealm HexOcelot Warrior (1)
Mission #3: Kill MystRealm Cougaron Beserker (2)
Mission #4: Kill MystRealm Cougaron Centurion (3)
Monster Locale: Inside the Frozen Realm Dungeon (321,574)
Mission #5: Visit Stubborn Geezer
Mission #6: Collect Topaz Jade (2)
Mission #7: Collect Balas Jade (2)
Mission #8: Collect Orange Jade (2)
Mission #9: Collect Xylary Log (3)
Mission #10: Visit Stubborn Geezer
Mission #11: Visit Lost World Superior
Rewards: Exp (15330), SP (3066) )

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Level 50 QuestsDespicable Barbarian
Start NPC: Blacksmith Sammy
Location: Town of Arriving (117, 639)
Mission #1: Kill Barbarian Warrior and collect Barbarian Warrior Nail (35)
Monster Location: Skeleton Mountain (167, 636)
Mission #2: Visit Blacksmith Sammy (117, 639)
Reward: Gold (11000), EXP (18500), SP (4350), R (5), Heaven Celestial Stone

Warrior Crystal
Start NPC: Pharmacist Walden
Location: Town Of Arriving (117,641)
Mission #1: Kill Tauren Centurion and collect Warrior Crystal (1)
Monster Location: Look around (180, 669)
Mission #2: Visit Pharmacist Walden (117,641)
Reward: Gold (4500), EXP (7500), SP (1700), R (5), Celestial Stone Fragment

Ancient Dragon City
Start NPC: Sundown Town Elder
Location: Sundown Town (128,589)
Mission #1: Visit Ancient Dragon City Elder (570,648)
Mission #2: Visit Arrow Stepping Manor Suzerain (428,457)
Reward: Gold (3650), EXP (6000), SP (1250), R (6), Celestial Stone Fragment

Twin Tower Of Darkness
Start NPC: Ancient Dragon City Elder
Location: Ancient Dragon City East (570,648)
Mission #1: Visit Tower Of Shade or Tower Of Darkness (see note)
Tower Of Shade Approach (526,967), Then head to the top of tower, right click on stone in inventory to continue (530,967)
Tower Of Darkness Approach (582,926), Then head to the top of tower, right click on stone in inventory then talk to altar
Note: Only one tower will be visited. Choose the Tower of Darkness or the Tower of Shade. Once you have visited a tower and accepted its stone, you will continue the quest from there - you won't get a stone from the other tower.
Important You will also need to choose between receiving 30 REP or 16000 SP. To choose SP, now proceed with DarkSheol or The Seal of Lava below depending on which tower you visited. To choose REP as your reward, proceed with this quest and do not take the DarkSheol or Seal of Lava quest
Mission #2: Visit Ancient Dragon City Elder (570,648)
Mission #3: Visit Elder of Tears of Heaven City Elder (471,567)
Reward: Rep (30), Human Celestial Stone

Start NPC: Twin Tower Of Darkness (if you choose to release the demon - see note)"
Mission #1: get the Dark Cryolite from TAI CHI SHORE (579 986) "from the water spot on the shore"
Mission #2: Return to Seal of Dark Sheol at Tower of Darkness to release the demon
Reward: 16000 SP
"Note: If you take this quest, you will NOT complete the Quest of Twin Tower of Darkness. You will choose between SP and REP. If you want REP, do NOT take this quest. "

The Seal of Lava
Start NPC: Twin Tower Of Shade (if you choose to release the demon - see note)"
Mission #1: Get Molten Lava Crystal from peak of Burning Volcano Prison(443,970) - approach spot and a mission window appears. You must accept to mine the lava crystal.
Mission #2: Return to Seal of Shade at Tower of Shades to release the demon
Reward: 16000 SP
"Note: If you take this quest, you will NOT complete the Quest of Twin Tower of Darkness. You will choose between SP and REP. If you want REP, do NOT take this quest. "\\

Badges of Flying Eagles
Start NPC: Zoltan
Location: Hill of Ending Dragon (284,566)
Mission #1: Kill MystRealm TerraWraith Koradji and collect Flying Eagle Signet (Cool
Mission #2: Kill MystRealm Caugaron Berserker and collect Flying Eagle Token (Cool
Mission #3: Kill MystRealm Hexocelot Warrior and collect Flying Eagle Tablet (Cool
Monster Locale: Inside the Frozen Realm Dungeon (321,574)
Mission #4: Visit Zoltan (284,566)
Reward: Gold (7200), EXP (12000), SP (2800)

Best Of Friends (Elf)
Start NPC: Blacksmith Jim
Location: Arrow Stepping Manor (430,461)
Mission #1: Visit Guard Jeff (320,419)
Mission #2: Visit Guard Remnant Pinna (360,460)
Mission #3: Visit Merchandizer Lance (371,350)
Mission #4: Kill Nigonrotor SoarVipent (30)
Monster Locale: In the air along the shore of Bamboo Village (227 594)
Mission #5: Visit Merchandizer Lance (371,350)
Reward: Gold (8300), EXP (9350), SP (2150)
Note: This Quest is different depending on race.

Best Of Friends (Beast)
Start NPC: Blacksmith Jim
Location: Arrow Stepping Manor (430,461)
Mission #1: Visit Guard Wheaton (246,644)
Mission #2: Visit Guide (255,689)
Mission #3: Visit Guard Macaria (230,554)
Mission #4: Kill Nigonrotor SoarVipent (30)
Monster Locale: In the air north of Cambridge (227,595)
Mission #5: Visit Guard Macaria (230,554)
Reward: Gold (8300), EXP (9350), SP (2150), R (5), Hell Celestial Fragment
Note: This Quest is different depending on race.

Best Of Friends (Human)
Start NPC: Blacksmith Jim
Location: Arrow Stepping Manor (430,461)
Mission #1: Visit Guard Anders (430,881)
Mission #2: Visit Guide at Inn of Eagle (422,835)
Mission #3: Visit Sentinel at Village of Hidden Hero (495,870)
Mission #4: Kill Nigonrotor SoarVipent (30)
Monster Locale: In the air above Village of Hidden Hero (227,595)
Mission #5: Visit Sentinel at Village of Hidden Hero (495,870)
Reward: Gold (8300), EXP (9350), SP (2150)
Note: This Quest is different depending on race.

The Seven Breve (Part 1)
Start NPC: Ancient Kings Tripod Chief
Location: Ancient Kings Tripod (465,431)
Required Quest: The Seven Breve (This is the 5th quest in the sequence. Previous 4 required)
Mission #1: Kill Barbarian Berserker (25)
Mission #2: Kill Barbarian SharpShooter (25)
Monster Locale: West of Ancient Kings Tripod
Mission #3: Visit Ancient Kings Tripod Chief (465,431)
Reward: Gold (11250), EXP (18750), SP (4400)

The Seven Breve (Part 2)
Mission #1: Collect Wood Numen Seed
Location: Outside Valley Of Disaster Entrance (448,408) (If it's not there wait for it to respawn)
Mission #2: Visit Ancient Kings Tripod Chief (465,431)
Reward: Gold (1800), EXP (3000), SP (700)

The Seven Breve Occultism (Part 3)
Mission #1: Head to Unworried Lake (284,383)
Reward: R (20), Human Celestial Stone, Bow of Seal (Appears in Mission inventory. Quest disappears)

Crimson Gate
Speak to Elder of Thousand Stream City (131 859)
Go to (104 510) (pop-up)
Speak to Elder of Thousand Stream City (131 859)
Click on Peru blood Wang Shi (104 510) to obtain 5 Peru blood Wang Shi
Speak to Elder of Thousand Stream City (131 859)
Speak to Arena Administrator (451 880)
Speak to Arena Administrator (245 640)
Speak to Arena Administrator (335 431)
Speak to Arena Administrator (532 630)
Speak to Elder of Thousand Stream City (131 859) to complete the quest
Reward: 85 200 gold, 142 000xp, 32 370SP
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