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 Quetes Level 81-90

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Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 81-90 Empty
MessageSujet: Quetes Level 81-90   Quetes Level 81-90 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:41

Lvl 81 QuestThe Endless Waiting
Start NPC: Tristam (581,685)
Mission #1: Deliver Wedding Dress to Winifred (369,349)
Mission #2: Return to Tristam (581,685)
Reward: Exp(9600),Gold(5750),Skill(2200),Rep(Cool,1 Heaven Celestial Stone

The spirit of swords
Start NPC: Blacksmith Douglas (153,812)
Mission #1: Collect 80 Mysterious Crystal from Acephalous Cavalry General
Monster Locale: (229,860) , (99,806)
Mission #2: Return to Blacksmith Douglas (153,812)
Reward: Exp(54000),Gold(32500),Skill(12000),Rep(9)

Ancient Dragon Herald
Start NPC: Messenger of Ancient Dragon (233,781)
Mission #1: Kill 80 Elite Chaos StyxTauren
Monster Locale: (257,740)
Mission #2: Return to Messenger of Ancient Dragon (233,781)
Reward: Exp(50000),Skill(11000)

Messenger's Wish
Start NPC: Messenger of Ancient Dragon (233,781)
Required Mission: Ancient Dragon Herald
Mission #1: Talk to RipRap (249,766)
Reward: Exp(4850),Skill(1100)

Return Phylactery
Start NPC: RipRap (249,766)
Required Mission: Messenger's Wish
Mission #1: Deliver Ingenious Phylactery to Messenger of Ancient Dragon (233,781)
Reward: Exp(4850),Gold(35500),Skill(1100),Rep(9)

(Edit Section ↓)
Lvl 82 QuestThe fury of the ashes
Start NPC: Fire Bathing Village Chief (133,756)
Mission #1: Collect 10 Fiery Red Ashes (167,781)
Mission #2: Return to Fire Bathing Village Chief (133,756)
Reward: Exp(5000),Skill(1150)

Angry Pheonix
Start NPC: Fire Bathing Village Chief (133,756)
Required Mission: The fury of the ashes
Mission #1: Kill 85 Pyrobathe Phoenix
Monster Locale: (167,781)
Mission #2: Return to Fire Bathing Village Chief (133,756)
Reward: Exp(55500),Gold(36500),Skill(12500),Rep(9),1 Hell Celestial Stone

Heart of IridFalcon
Start NPC: Mr.Kristopher (232,779)
Area: Reckless Beauty
Mission #1: Collect 70 IridFalcon Heart from Dolichocephal IridFalcon
Monster Locale: (274,711) , (261,718)
Mission #2: Return to Mr.Kristopher (232,779)
Reward: Exp(50500),Skill(11500)

Fire Bathing Village
Start NPC: Mr.Kristopher (232,779)
Area: Reckless Beauty
Required Mission: Heart of IridFalcon
Mission #1: Deliver Wattremble Distillate to Fire Bathing Village Chief (133,756)
Reward: Exp(4900),Gold(33000),Skill(1100),Rep(9)

Vanishing Phoenix
Start NPC: Carmine (240,781)
Area: Reckless Beauty
Mission #1: Talk to Mr.Kristopher (232,779)
Reward: Exp(4900),Skill(1100)

The Sword of the hero
Start NPC: Mr.Kristopher (232,779)
Area: Reckless Beauty
Required Mission: Vanishing heart
Mission #1: Collect 1 Cloud Sword from Elite Votile Styxocelot
Monster Locale: (220,772)
Mission #2: Return to Carmen (240,781)
Reward: Exp(9000),Skill(2100)

Disappeared power
Start NPC: Carmine (240,781)
Area: Reckless Beauty
Required Mission: The sword of hero
Mission #1: Deliver Cloud Sword to Mr.Kristopher (232,779)
Reward: Exp(4900),Skill(1100)

The hatred of swords
Start NPC: Mr.Kristopher (232,779)
Required Mission: Disappeared power
Mission #1: Kill 80 Elite Souldeprive StyxCougar
Monster Locale: (216,711)
Mission #2: Return to Mr.Kristopher (232,779)
Reward: Exp(50500),Skill(11500)

Cloud sword
Start NPC: Mr.Kristopher (232,779)
Required Mission: The hatred of swords
Mission #1: Deliver Cloud Sword to Pond of Lave (267,785)
Reward: Exp(4900),Skill(1100)

Restored Cloud sword
Start NPC: Pond of Lave (267,785)
Required Mission: Cloud sword
Mission #1: Deliver Restored Cloud sword to Mr.Kristopher (232,779)
Reward: Exp(4900),Skill(1100)

Brace up fighting
Start NPC: Mr.Kristopher (232,779)
Required Mission: Restored Cloud sword
Mission #1: Deliver Restored cloud sword to Carmen (240,781)
Reward: Exp(4900),Skill(1100),Rep(9),Choice of 1 Grade 6 Soul Stones
(Edit Section ↓)
Lvl 83 QuestSpecial Stone
Start NPC: Zorion (128,756)
Mission #1: Collect 75 Spar Stone from Demon Spar Warder
Monster Locale: (104,726)
Mission #2: Return to Zorion (128,756)
Reward: Exp(51500),Skill(11500)

Another type of stone
Start NPC: Zorion (128,756)
Required Mission: Special Stone
Mission #1: Collect 70 Unknown Stone from Demon Mine Warder
Monster Locale: (172,754)
Mission #2: Return to Zorion (128,756)
Reward: Exp(53000),Skill(12000)

Start NPC: Zorion (128,756)
Required Mission: Another type of Stone
Mission #1: Deliver Stone of Combine to Gainell (124,730)
Reward: Exp(4950),Skill(1100)

The Pond of Fulgurate
Start NPC: Gainell (124,730)
Required Mission: Stone of Combine
Mission #1: Deliver Stone of Combine to Pond of Lava (115,760)
Reward: Exp(4950),Skill(1100)

Life under the Soil
Start NPC: Pond of Lave (115,760)
Required Mission: The Pond of Fulgurate
Mission #1: Deliver Heart of Firestone to Gainell (124,730)
Reward: Exp(4950),Skill(1100)

Ancient Stone Monster
Start NPC: Gainell (115,760)
Required Mission: Life under the Soil
Mission #1: Kill Torga - Ancient Stone Iblis (138,766)
Mission #2: Return to Gainell (115,760)
Reward: Exp(19100),Skill(4200),Gold(104000),Rep(9),Celestial Stone

The worry in the mind
Start NPC: Fire Bathing Village Chief (133,756)
Mission #1: Kill 85 Demon Chert Warder
Monster Locale: (146,745)
Mission #2: Return to Fire Bathing Village Chief (133,756)
Reward: Exp(52500),Skill(12000),Gold(31500),Rep(9),Celestial Stone Fragment

(Edit Section ↓)
Lvl 84 QuestEarth,Fire's Fusion
Start NPC: Zorion (128,756)
Mission #1: Collect 75 Fragment of PyroCrag from PyroCrag Warrior
Monster Locale: (118,750),(130,789)
Mission #2: Return to Zorion (128,756)
Reward: Exp(52500),Skill(11500),Gold(31500),Rep(9),Celestial Stone

The Best Blacksmith
Start NPC: Fire Bathing Village Chief (134,756)
Mission #1: Talk to Dead body of Moses (155,769)
Reward: Exp(5000),Skill(1100)

Mysterious Boy
Start NPC: Dead body of Moses (155,769)
Required Mission: The Best Blacksmith
Mission #1: Talk to Ponce (152,775)
Reward: Exp(5000),Skill(1100)

Mystery of Truth
Start NPC: Ponce (152,775)
Required Mission: Mysterious Boy
Mission #1: Kill 85 Flame Eidolon
Monster Locale: (123,769)26
Mission #2: Return to Ponce (152,775)
Reward: Exp(51500),Skill(11500)

Sad News
Start NPC: Ponce (152,775)
Required Mission: Mystery of Truth
Mission #1: Talk to Fire Bathing Village Chief (134,756)
Reward: Exp(5000),Skill(1100),Gold(40000),Rep(9),Celestial Stone Fragment

Pellet of DracoAsgard
Start NPC: Galahad (657,356)
Mission #1: Collect 40 Pellet of Dragon Infante from DracoAsgard Dragon Infante
And Collect 40 Dragon Fairy's Pellet from DragonAsgard Draco Fairy
Monster Locale: (635,302)&(625,310) Elite mobs
Mission #2: Return to Galahad (657,356)
Reward: Exp(53400),Gold(32000),Skill(10600),Rep(27), 1 Hell Celestial Stone

Palace at deep sea
Start NPC: Dream Searching Port Elder (662,375)
Mission #1: Kill 30 DracoAsgard MusselNume, DracoAsgard Futile Crustacean & DracoAsgard Nebbish Crustacean
Monster Locale: MusselNume (624,319) , Futile (630,325) , Nebbish (649,311)
Mission #2: Return to Dream Searching Port Elder (662,375)
Reward: Exp(58500),Skill(13300)

White dragon
Start NPC: Dream Searching Port Elder (662,375)
Required Mission: Palace at deep sea
Mission #1: Talk to Blackhole Dragon (643,327)
Reward: Exp(5100),Skill(1150)

Baal Relic
Start NPC: Blackhole Dragon (643,327)
Required Mission: White dragon
Mission #1: Collect 85 Baal Relic from DracoAsgard Undine
Monster Locale: (611,332)
Mission #2: Return to Blackhole Dragon (643,327)
Reward: Exp(52200),Skill(11900)

King of Dragon Palace
Start NPC: Blackhole Dragon (643,327)
Required Mission: Baal Relic
Mission #1: Kill Dark Dragon King
Monster Locale: (620,301) Note* This boss moves
Mission #2: Return to Blackhole Dragon (643,327)
Reward: Exp(10100),Gold(35000),Skill(2300),Rep(36), 1 Human Celestial Ston
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Membre de la guild
Membre de la guild

Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : Orleans

Quetes Level 81-90 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quetes Level 81-90   Quetes Level 81-90 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai - 20:42

Lvl 85 QuestThe Feather Softness
Start NPC: Tailor Alina (150,810)
Mission #1: Collect 80 Feather of Pyrobathe Phoenix
Monster Locale: Land of Heart Burning (169,792)
Mission #2: Return to Tailor Alina (150,810)
Reward: Exp(55000),Skill(12500)

Besiege Extrusion
Start NPC: Fire Bathing Village Chief (134,756)
Mission: Talk to Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Reward: Exp(5000),Skill(1150),Gold(3050),Rep(5),Celestial Stone Fragment

Thousand stream city!
Start NPC: Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Required Mission: Besiege Extrusion
Mission: Talk to Kirkan (137,891)

Ancestor Pagoda
Start NPC: Kirkan (137,891)
Required Mission: Thousand stream city!
Mission: Talk to Livingston (131,893)

Five Weak Immortal
Start NPC: Livingston (131,893)
Required Mission: Ancestor Pagoda
Mission: Talk to Mykelti (144,843)

The retirement of Gods
Start NPC: Mykelti (144,843)
Required Mission: Five Weak Immortal
Mission: Talk to Kirkan (137,891))
Reward: Exp(25500),Skill(4650),Gold(12000),Rep(9),Celestial Stone Fragment

Hammer Flame Audacity
Start NPC: Maddox (128,752)
Mission #1: Collect Hammer of Flame Audacity from BlazeFlare Warrior
Monster Locale: Land of Heart Burning (157,792)
Mission #2: Return to Maddox (128,752)
Reward: Exp(19000),Skill(4300)

Corresponding Plan
Required Mission: ???
Start NPC: Talk to Talk to Maddox (128,752)
Mission: Talk to Wife of Moses (132,755)
Reward: Exp(5000),Skill(1150)

NineTailed Pyrofoxie
Start NPC: Talk to Wife of Moses (132,755)
Required Mission: Corresponding Plan
Mission: Collect 85 Tail of Pyrofoxie from the NineTailed Pyrofoxie
Monster Locale: Land of Heart Burning (181,766)
Mission #1: Return to Wife of Moses (132,755)
Reward: Exp(52500),Skill(11500)

Start NPC: Talk to Wife of Moses (132,755)
Required Mission: NineTailed Pyrofoxie
Mission: Give Red Glow Hammer to Maddox (128,752)
Reward: Exp(5000),Skill(1150)

Return Flaming Hammer
Start NPC: Talk to Maddox (128,752)
Required Mission: ???
Mission: Give Hammer of Flame Audacity to Wife of Moses (132,755)
Reward: Exp(5000),Skill(1150) Rep(9) Choice of Soulstone Gr-6

The Crisis of Survival
Start NPC: Jenibelle (188,862)
Mission #1: Check the wereabouts for her teammates at Oppressed Village (230,844)
Mission #2: Return to Jenibelle (188,862) with the Broken paper scripts
Mission #3: Talk to Pharmacist Richie in West ADC (522,659) to get medicine
Mission #4: Return to Jenibelle (188,862) with the Medicine injection
Mission #5: Kill 85 BoneFritter Butcher
Monster Locale: Boundless Grassland (241,833)
Mission #6: Return to Jenibelle (188,862)
Reward: Exp(56000),Skill(13650),Gold(36000),Rep(9), 1 Heaven Celestial Stone

Happy Birthday
Start NPC: Kenisha (189,869)
Mission: Bring the Sweet Osmanthus Herb Cake to Allan (157, 896)
Reward: Exp(5000),Skill(1150)

Start NPC: Allan (157, 896)
Required Mission: Happy Birthday
Mission: Pass the appreciation to Kenisha (189,869)
Reward: Exp(5000),Skill(1150)

Dance Of Destruction
Start NPC: Kenisha (189,869)
Required Mission: Gratitude
Mission #1: Kill 85 RancorSoul Tower
Monster Locale: Eastward Screen Town (201,857) <> Thousand Stream City (174,893)
Mission #2: Return to Kenisha (189,869)
Reward: Exp(54500),Skill(12000)

The Arrival Disaster
Start NPC: Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Mission #1: Kill 85 Acephalous CavalryGeneral
Monster Locale: Around Thousand Stream City
Mission #2: Return to Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Reward: Exp(54000),Skill(12350),Gold(32500),Rep(9)

Start NPC: Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Required Mission: The Arrival Disaster
Mission #1: Talk to Huckleberry (212 884)
Mission #2: Go to Fishing Village Dobry Cenobite to buy a bottle of Millions Vintage, give to Huckleberry as a present.
Mission #3: Let Elder in Thousand Stream City (130,858) to have a look on the prescription of "Ortard Miniaturres".
Mission #4: Go to Ancient Dragon City to find Ichthyologist (572 656)
Reward: Exp(30900),Skill(11900),Gold(37150)

Ortard Miniatures
Start NPC: Ichthyologist Ancient Dragon City (571 656)
Required Mission: Hermit
Mission #1: Collect the ingredients
Collect Crystal of Darkfrost (at the peak of Burning Prison Volcano, 447 967)
Collect Essence of Peach Blossom (from OrchisSclew Eidolon around town of Sanctuary)
Collect Deep Water Marrow (from DracoAsgard Celestial Ichthyoid 656 306)
Mission #2: Brew The Wine
Reward: Exp(12500),Skill(2900),Gold(7550), One Item Choosen randomly: Heaven Celestial Stone (10%), Hell Celestial Stone (10%), Human Celestial Stone (10%), Celestial Stone Fragment (70%)
(Edit Section ↓)
Lvl 86 QuestGlorious Time
Start NPC: Lonato (131,860)
Mission #1: Find out about Vaughan from Laird (156,861), Finley (153,861), and Patricia (181,869)
Mission #2: Return to Lonato (131,860)
Reward: Exp(20500) SP(4700)

The origin of hero
Required Mission: Glorious Time
Start NPC: Lonato (131,860)
Mission #1: Talk to Quintessa (644, 557)
Mission #2: Talk to Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Reward: Exp(20500) SP(4700)

The Proof of Ability
Required Mission: The origin of hero
Start NPC: Talk to Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Mission #1: Kill 80 StoneStatue Protectorian
Monster Locale: Broken Mountain (241,879)
Mission #2: Return to Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Reward: Exp(52500) SP(12000)

The Proof of Courage
Required Mission: The Proof of Ability
Start NPC: Lonato (131,860)
Mission #1: Kill 85 BoneFritter Butcher
Monster Locale: Boundless Grassland (240,834)
Mission #2: Return to Lonato (131,860)
Reward: Exp(58000) SP(13000)

The Proof of Wisdom
Required Mission: The Proof of Courage
Start NPC: Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Mission #1: Kill Life Draining BrahmaVox
Monster Locale: Lonley Sea (280,864)
Mission #2: Return to Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Reward: Exp(19800) SP(4400)

Uncertain Trails
Required Mission: The Proof of Wisdom
Start NPC: Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Mission #1: Visit Tokala (547, 381)
Mission #2: Visit Guard Season (472, 567)
Reward: Exp(10000) SP(2350)

Hero Vaughan
Required Mission: Uncertain Trails
Start NPC: Guard Season (472, 567)
Mission #1: You should have the Posthumous Writing that you diged in a Quest (the nameless hero) once near Nether Beast City and which is still in your inventory
Mission #2: Visit Quintessa (644, 557)
Reward: Exp(130000) SP(1150), Reputation (15), a Grade 6 Soulstone of your choice

Mystic Gallipot
Start NPC: Kirkan (138,892)
Mission #1: Collect the Mystic Gallipot from the Acephalous Cavalry General
Mission #2: Return to Kirkan (138,892)
Reward: Exp(10000) SP(2350)

Start NPC: Maddox (128, 752)
Mission: Talk to the Fire Bathing Village Chief (133,756) to find out about Zody

Realm of Ghost
Required Mission: Creditor
Start NPC: Fire Bathing Village Chief (133,756)
Mission: Find Zody in the Realm of Ghost

Retrieve the Pearl
Required Mission: Realm of Ghost
Start NPC: Zody (Realm of Ghost)
Mission #1: Retrieve the Flammate pearl from the InfernoWraith Warrior in the Realm of Ghost
Mission #2: Return to Zody
Mission #3: Return to Fire Bathing Village Chief (133,756)
Mission #4: Return to Madoxx (129,753)
Reward: Exp(21900), SP(5100), Reputation(27), a Grade 6 soulstone of your choice

The solid bone
Start NPC:Tailor Alina (151,810)
Mission #1: collect 75 Dragon keel from BoneDracon Calavary
Moster Locale: (200,855)
Mission #2:Return to Tailor Alina (151,810)

(Edit Section ↓)
Lvl 87 QuestThe flag of evocation
Start NPC: Kirkan (137,891)
Mission #1: Collect 1 Evocation FlagStaff from BoneDracon Cavalry
Monster Locale: (202,868)
Mission #2: Return to Kirkan (137,891)
Reward: Exp(6500),Skill(2650)

Extradite Spirit Bell
Start NPC: Kirkan (137,891)
Required Mission: The flag of evocation
Mission #1: Collect 1 Bell of extradite spirit from BoneFritter Butcher
Monster Locale: (201,842)
Mission #2: Return to Kirkan (137,891)
Reward: Exp(6500),Skill(2650)

Spirit Bind Bell
Start NPC: Kirkan (137,891)
Required Mission: Extradite Spirit Bell
Mission #1: Talk to Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Reward: Exp(5200),Skill(1200)

Spirit Summon Ceremony
Start NPC: Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Required Mission: Spirit Bind Bell
Mission #1: Collect 1 Throat of steal life from LifeDraining BrahmaVox
Monster Locale: Lonely Sea Note* it swims around
Mission #2: Return to Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Reward: Exp(13000),Skill(5500)

The song of souls
Start NPC: Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Required Mission: Spirit Summon Ceremony
Mission #1: Walk around (228,842)
Reward: Exp(5200),Skill(1200),???

Dance of young spirit
Start NPC: Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Required Mission: The song of souls
Mission #1: Kill Hoar Janitor From Hell & Dark Janitor From Hell (Dark One)
Monster Locale: Realm of Ghost
Mission #2: Return to Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Reward: Exp(32500),Gold(45000),Skill(13500),Rep(36),1 Hell Celestial Stone

Feel Like Flying
Start NPC: Allan (157,896)
Mission #1: Collect 1 Skull from Pinna-Wallow
Monster Locale: (229,857)
Mission #2: Return to Allan (157,896)
Reward: Exp(20000),Gold(3300),Skill(4500),Rep(9), 1 Celestial Stone Fragment

(Edit Section ↓)
Lvl 88 QuestHero discouraged
Start NPC: Laird (156,861)
Mission #1: Talk to Finley (153,861)
Reward: Exp(5000),Skill(1150)

Disable Yet Tough Will
Start NPC: Laird (156,861)
Required Mission: Hero discouraged
Mission #1: Kill 90 StoneStatue Protecterion
Monster Locale: (241,879)
Mission #2: Return to Laird (156,861)
Reward: Exp(59000),Skill(13500)

Heroes have no regrets
Start NPC: Laird (156,861)
Required Mission: Disable Yet Tough Will
Mission #1: Kill 90 Pinna-Willow
Monster Locale: (234,848)
Mission #2: Return to Laird (156,861)
Reward: Exp(60000),Gold(74500),Skill(13500),Rep(9),1 Celestial Stone Fragment

Devastation's skin
Start NPC: Tailor Alina (150,810)
Mission #1: Collect 85 AuricSquama Skin from Devastation AuricSquama
Monster Locale: Lonely Sea
Mission #2: Return to Tailor Alina (150,810)
Reward: Exp(59000),Gold(103000),Skill(13000),Rep(9),1 Celestial Stone Fragment

(Edit Section ↓)
Lvl 89 Quest (Holy)Devil Illusion
Start NPC: Elder of Thousand Stream City (130,858)
Mission #1: Kill 20 DemonicMalefic Herculeon, 20 DemonicMalefic MajorWraith, 20 Cavalry Ranger
Mission #2: Return to Immortal Guide (129 836)
Reward: Exp(20250),Gold(12150),Skill(4600)
Note: You will recive that Mission after you did your FB89.
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Quetes Level 81-90
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